Username | Fatal HI NSA PadmaVajra *XO1* |
User ID | 115026 |
Registration Date | May 24, 2005 | Last Login | November 24, 2016 |
Occupation | “Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” |
Fleet | FS |
Prestige | 341,055 |
Rank | Chief Marshal |
|  |
Games Played | 3,736.10 |
Time Played | 157 days, 3 hours, 46 min, 26 sec. |
Kills | 3,607.53 |
Killed | 1,608.87 |
Bonus Prestige | 3,437.95 |
Ships Damaged | 133,542.77 |
Ships Captured | 122.82 |
Planets Damaged | 43,766.99 |
Planets Captured | 3,174.46 |
Friendly Fire | 10,594.57 |
Repair | 41,965.09 |
Construction | 23,994.35 |
Kamikaze | 1,444.96 |
Self Destructs | 41.67 |
Jumps | 52,499.03 |
Planet Collisions | 279.76 |
Scout | 481.00 |
Resources Lost | 46,775,024.80 |
Credits | 36,123 |
Resources | 0 |