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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 1 of 43 [NEXT]
Service outage
- Posted on November 10th, 2019 - 17:16 by Mersenne Twister
DarkSpace suffered a security breach on 11 September, which required taking all game services offline while the damage was assessed and the exploited vulnerability is secured.

We are aware the attacker has dumped the forum database containing user names, login names, email addresses, and hashed passwords.

All users are strongly encouraged to change their DarkSpace password through the GameCQ menu or your profile page, along with any other passwords that may be linked to the same email address or user name as used for your Darkspace account.

Game servers have been restored, and game profiles should be unaffected.
The web server has also been updated, with the vulnerability patched. While the website, forums, and wiki should be operating as normal, limited site functions may remain unavailable.
If a page appears to be inaccessible, or behaving abnormally, please notify a staff member, or post in our Discord channel.
Regarding GameCQ Browser Subscription Management
- Posted on June 16th, 2017 - 06:03 by SnipeDragon
It has been brought to our attention that the browser embedded into GameCQ is no longer compatible with PayPal, as a result any function that sends you to PayPal is no longer possible through GameCQ. Instead, you can use a current version of your favorite browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc.) to manage your subscription or to purchase credits directly from the DarkSpace website.
DarkSpace development is now open-source..
- Posted on May 22nd, 2016 - 17:41 by Faustus
This has been a long time coming, we are officially making all further development on DarkSpace open-source. What does this mean to you as a player? Nothing, except hopefully we will see more contributions and progress on development.

If you would like to contribute to the development to the game, you can now grab source code from github and make pull requests to see your changes make it into the game. Visit https://github.com/palestar/darkspace for more information.
Regarding errors about invalid username/password
- Posted on July 24th, 2015 - 09:02 by Mersenne Twister
If you're seeing this error when trying to log into GCQL, you DO NOT need to change your password. Easy way to check is to try logging in on the website, if that works, your password is just fine.

The issue is caused by mySQL crashing, which prevents client authentication.
A troubleshooting session is tentatively scheduled for this weekend, but no ETA yet on a permanent fix.

Again, if GCQL is rejecting your login, but you can log to the forums fine, you don't need to change your password. Just try again a bit later in the day and we should have stuff restarted by then.
Server Maintence
- Posted on December 2nd, 2014 - 10:31 by Faustus
Servers will be down for maintenance for approximately 2 hours this coming Saturday 12/6/2014 starting at 10:00 AM CST.
DarkSpace Version 1.704 Released...
- Posted on October 27th, 2014 - 14:35 by Faustus
We are happy to announce the release of DarkSpace 1.704. It's been a while since our last release and we're terribly sorry for the delay. Thanks to all the volunteer developers who continue to dedicate their time and efforts for your enjoyment.

In this version we are implementing a major shift in how the game is played. No longer do we have a massive metaverse that is static and already built. Instead, we have a much smaller map composed of 3 star systems with objectives that determine the next map the game will progress. The time limit on this map is set for a full 5 days, allowing players to build up planets and access more powerful ships than allowed previously in the scenario games. In the end, players will eventually fight their way to one of the 3 home systems where players will be challenged to capture the home system of ICC, UGTO, or the K'Luth. Additionally, we've added other secret objectives for Pirate and MI factions that will lead the map into entirely new sectors.

We are aware of some known bugs in this release, which will we will be fixing with hot-fixes over the next few weeks, so please bare with us. Due to lack of testers in Beta, we have no choice but to push to release to find these bugs.
Happy Holidays!
- Posted on December 24th, 2013 - 13:43 by Pantheon
All the staff here at Palestar wish the community happy holidays and good tidings for the new year! We look forward to seeing you all blasting each other into smithereens in 2014!
Server Maintence
- Posted on October 14th, 2013 - 10:00 by Faustus
Various servers will go down today between 10:30AM CST and lasting until 12:30PM CST more than likely while we perform an upgrade to the new version of DarkSpace.
Servers Moved...
- Posted on February 16th, 2013 - 15:23 by Faustus
We have moved our servers to new digs, hope you like them. We are now hosting DarkSpace with nfoservers.com, our previous provider turns out doesn't allow game server :(

Anyway, please feel free to post on the forums if your experience is better or worse, I'd appreciate the feedback.
WKA Event Competition..
- Posted on January 19th, 2013 - 21:21 by Eledore Massis [R33]
It is that time again!
The "We Kick Arse" Fleet has thrown out another forum Event.
This time it is a Signature creation contest for the WKA and they giving out credits again.

And while you think there are a lot of people who excel at making signatures, that is no guarantee for becoming a winner. (Example)

Join the events Now!
WKA 16th Competition
Competition is over

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