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Forum Index » » Beta Testing Discussion » » Ship Items: Upgrades
 Author Ship Items: Upgrades

Joined: July 31, 2001
Posts: 10
From: NJ, United States
Posted: 2005-07-07 11:49   
First I will begin by saying for example if you buy a lvl 5 item and you have another item on the ship you wish to exchange there is no way to tell if you are exchanging the higher item for a lower tech item since there is no tech lvl displayed in the name.

Second is I don't like the current Upgrade system for ship technology. As it is now I'm sure Devs are aware of it you can spend more money upgrading the item in "milliseconds" to tech lvl 10 than lets say a lvl 8 tech item would cost to buy it from a star port.

In conclusion I believe that for the first problem when you see the item you should see its tech lvl in the name. As for the second problem the following should be implemented:
All items at a planet could only be constructed at tech lvl 0.
When you buy that item you can upgrade the item at the following costs/intervals.
Tech lvl 1: 1 minute to upgrade; cost +2% of original price.
Tech lvl 2: 2 minutes to upgrade; +2% of original price.
Tech lvl 3-4: 4 minutes to upgrade; cost +4% of original price.
Tech lvl 4-6: 8 minutes to upgrade; cost +6% of original price.
Tech lvl 7-8: 16 minutes to upgrade; cost +8% of original price.
Tech lvl 9: 32 minutes to upgrade; cost +10% of original price
Tech lvl 10: 48 minutes to upgrade; cost +12% of original price.
Tech lvl 11: 60 minutes to upgrade; cost +14% of original price.
Tech lvl 12: 72 minutes to upgrade; cost +16% of original price.
Tech lvl 13: 84 minutes to upgrade; cost +18% of original price.
Tech lvl 14: 96 minutes to upgrade; cost +20% of original price.
Tech lvl 15: 108 minutes to upgrade; cost +25% of original price.

That way the longer you stay alive the better your ship gets, and the prices are not to ridiculous per item.

Life, Death; How to? The only path is to pick a single track and follow it till it reaches the end.

  Email Tegron

Joined: June 07, 2001
Posts: 1072
From: Czech Republic
Posted: 2005-07-07 12:01   

On 2005-07-07 11:49, Tegron wrote:
First I will begin by saying for example if you buy a lvl 5 item and you have another item on the ship you wish to exchange there is no way to tell if you are exchanging the higher item for a lower tech item since there is no tech lvl displayed in the name.

Second is I don't like the current Upgrade system for ship technology. As it is now I'm sure Devs are aware of it you can spend more money upgrading the item in "milliseconds" to tech lvl 10 than lets say a lvl 8 tech item would cost to buy it from a star port.

In conclusion I believe that for the first problem when you see the item you should see its tech lvl in the name. As for the second problem the following should be implemented:
All items at a planet could only be constructed at tech lvl 0.
When you buy that item you can upgrade the item at the following costs/intervals.
Tech lvl 1: 1 minute to upgrade; cost +2% of original price.
Tech lvl 2: 2 minutes to upgrade; +2% of original price.
Tech lvl 3-4: 4 minutes to upgrade; cost +4% of original price.
Tech lvl 4-6: 8 minutes to upgrade; cost +6% of original price.
Tech lvl 7-8: 16 minutes to upgrade; cost +8% of original price.
Tech lvl 9: 32 minutes to upgrade; cost +10% of original price
Tech lvl 10: 48 minutes to upgrade; cost +12% of original price.
Tech lvl 11: 60 minutes to upgrade; cost +14% of original price.
Tech lvl 12: 72 minutes to upgrade; cost +16% of original price.
Tech lvl 13: 84 minutes to upgrade; cost +18% of original price.
Tech lvl 14: 96 minutes to upgrade; cost +20% of original price.
Tech lvl 15: 108 minutes to upgrade; cost +25% of original price.

That way the longer you stay alive the better your ship gets, and the prices are not to ridiculous per item.

unacceptable times ...

imagine that usual average ammount of gadgets is 15 ...
this results into 15 * 147 minutes at "normal" ship to reach level 10 status ...
that gives full 36.75 hours of just updating items ...

station with 30 gadgets will be like 73.5 hrs of just updating ...

that will need special upgrade factories or so anyway to solve or ship dockyards ...

i propose timings like below

0 level to level 1 0.1
1 level to level 2 0.4
2 level to level 3 0.6
3 level to level 4 0.8
4 level to level 5 1
5 level to level 6 1.2
6 level to level 7 1.4
7 level to level 8 1.6
8 level to level 9 1.8
9 level to level 10 2
10 level to level 11 2.2
11 level to level 12 2.4
12 level to level 13 2.6
13 level to level 14 2.8
14 level to level 15 3

in minutes ...

this mean it takes 10.9 minutes to upgrade item to L 10 and with 15 items it's just 2.725 hours to update and with 30 items it's only 5.45 hours to update them ...

more acceptable for fast paced game like DS is ...

... Ideas? ... that's Ocean w/o borders !


Joined: July 31, 2001
Posts: 10
From: NJ, United States
Posted: 2005-07-07 12:03   
That's if you could upgrade 1 item at a time... In here each item is on its own timer. so no single item is a dependent on the other to finish its upgrade.
Life, Death; How to? The only path is to pick a single track and follow it till it reaches the end.

  Email Tegron

Joined: July 31, 2001
Posts: 10
From: NJ, United States
Posted: 2005-07-07 12:08   
It would take about 8.85 hours to upgrade all the items to tech lvl 15. Considering MV has no end it is a small time to pay to get max tech. If you do not get killed that is.
Life, Death; How to? The only path is to pick a single track and follow it till it reaches the end.

  Email Tegron

Joined: July 31, 2001
Posts: 10
From: NJ, United States
Posted: 2005-07-07 12:11   
One more thing tech levels should be queable and tech lvl if you have the money to upgrade can be done while the ship is "stored". that way even while your away your "items/crew/units" will gain tech/xp while you sleep in my opinion.
Life, Death; How to? The only path is to pick a single track and follow it till it reaches the end.

  Email Tegron

Joined: June 07, 2001
Posts: 1072
From: Czech Republic
Posted: 2005-07-07 12:14   
ya this way its more acceptable now ... 50 / mins at usual ship, supporting offline mode (while not playing or playing different ship) and simultaneous upgrade of more than 1 item ...
... Ideas? ... that's Ocean w/o borders !

2nd Rear Admiral

Joined: July 03, 2002
Posts: 3697
From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted: 2005-07-07 13:39   
we opted for long build times to allow for instant upgrades. few will want to sit at a shipyard to wait for an upgrade.

The price to upgrade vs buying one in a port if you can find it is by design.

Its going to cost to outfit something, but its cheeper to by a used item...

  Email Tael
Dark_vorbum {C?}
Fleet Admiral
ExtraTerrestrial Space Bums

Joined: November 05, 2002
Posts: 160
Posted: 2005-07-08 22:55   
yeah all is alright

[ This Message was edited by: Dark_Vorlons {C?}{IGN} on 2005-07-08 23:08 ]

  Email Dark_vorbum {C?}
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