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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
Time Played
Bonus Prestige
Ships Damaged
Ships Captured
Planets Damaged
Planets Captured
Friendly Fire
Self Destructs
Planet Collisions
Resources Lost
164327 Players - page 89 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Captured
8801 Alpha-Omega 9
8802 Charlie 9
8803 busboy12 9
8804 Jameskirk 9
8805 JRDE [Angel of Speed] 9
8806 Nakao 9
8807 Renegade 9
8808 $captainsimmion$ 9
8809 ISuBaRuI 9
8810 anjos7 9
8811 dhdag 9
8812 Sauron1994 9
8813 Corundum 9
8814 kevinmcg 9
8815 Kaasvent 9
8816 Cross 9
8817 N2Ocold 9
8818 Cpt. Kromann Alteran 9
8819 ugurjack 9
8820 killernick68 9
8821 Mortician32 9
8822 Fastway 9
8823 lightguy9000 9
8824 Crim {Huzawat?} 9
8825 C Man 9
8826 ShadowFlare 9
8827 -Federov- 9
8828 Solon_Of_Athens 9
8829 benlake 9
8830 Rogue 9
8831 klajess 9
8832 Draeny 9
8833 ThePile 9
8834 NoVaBlinK 9
8835 tommisheep 9
8836 abdo66 9
8837 Nordos 8
8838 Drudger 8
8839 HyperxDual 8
8840 daday 8
8841 SiRuS 8
8842 Kenick 8
8843 kuldartr 8
8844 Macrog 8
8845 nanee00 8
8846 shipwreck69 8
8847 Derwood0 8
8848 raspberry 8
8849 The-evil-one//Maluno 8
8850 Littlebob 8
8851 Lieutenant Dean 8
8852 Senel192009 8
8853 SpawnX01 8
8854 Wildcat 8
8855 mingking222 8
8856 |Toaster| 8
8857 Artiom55 8
8858 authod 8
8859 badjak 8
8860 FintaruS 8
8861 Ripper354 8
8862 Navras 8
8863 uglues 8
8864 ynot84 8
8865 genrol_le 8
8866 Cecil 8
8867 Gork 8
8868 theprofit2517 8
8869 leole 8
8870 MistaB 8
8871 Land shark 8
8872 Captain Tyr In\'iah{Thors hammer} 8
8873 Phoenix_pl 8
8874 Spartan088 {l337 b0mb3r} 8
8875 LoC_Chumara 8
8876 nolame 8
8877 Hiigara 8
8878 Elliott Levi Curtiss 8
8879 fktt 8
8880 g.u.f. exploder 8
8881 Artiom 8
8882 bht appletor 8
8883 blitzreig 8
8884 ShortbusNinja 8
8885 Dardanthian 8
8886 LeoPilot 8
8887 2ez2kill 8
8888 NinjaSquirrel 8
8889 samuellacombe 8
8890 FS_Static 8
8891 Spdkills 8
8892 Coball 8
8893 Greex 8
8894 Katasum 8
8895 TheNookers 8
8896 1OnLashoc 8
8897 Mastakablam2 8
8898 Boomstickbob 8
8899 J_ghost351 8
8900 bubu 8
164327 Players - page 89 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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