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DarkSpace - Beta
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164327 Players - page 40 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Captured
3901 zaun 49
3902 Death Motif 49
3903 Matrix 49
3904 Neuro629 49
3905 Albertc 49
3906 Batto 49
3907 Jellicoe 49
3908 Dan Victor 49
3909 kromaticorb 49
3910 CMDR Neoro 49
3911 IsnaNosleeVX 49
3912 red-drako 48
3913 Alexaei Stukov 48
3914 sleepyhead087 48
3915 Ecoliner 48
3916 killinz 48
3917 Nemain 48
3918 The 5th Horseman 48
3919 Sir Arkador (Quebecois) 48
3920 Parallax 48
3921 shaad71 48
3922 Phosphor 48
3923 nafeir 48
3924 Furiyan 48
3925 Religue 48
3926 BigdaddyTyler 48
3927 Scotty {C?} 48
3928 Grendal 48
3929 Fishman 48
3930 SweetUndker 48
3931 GuRuu 48
3932 tcwicks 48
3933 Raveheart 48
3934 Q6676 48
3935 Zizak 48
3936 jonsnow13 48
3937 areUgame 48
3938 {Arcane|cat} 48
3939 Sir Charles Smokalot 48
3940 Evero 48
3941 crusher101 48
3942 falkonmike 47
3943 Vendacious 47
3944 Stuntmansteve 47
3945 Frog 47
3946 amphitherex 47
3947 Sedatem 47
3948 Excel 47
3949 keybordkiller 47
3950 WSN_NWA_LA 47
3951 Stoneman Sam 47
3952 Flakee 47
3953 wumpus 47
3954 Honor 47
3955 zeb1049 47
3956 Nazareth 47
3957 ICS Border Dreadnaught 47
3958 Hawk Firestorm 47
3959 siv87 47
3960 Kuether 47
3961 the}~{freak 47
3962 MiniChiken 47
3963 FrenZy 2k 47
3964 pegpiri 47
3965 Rei Aznable 47
3966 Epsilon 47
3967 OraOfWar 47
3968 LiJieLong 47
3969 ArticBumbleBee 47
3970 DevilManx 47
3971 Strikertat 47
3972 Mecago 47
3973 NightEye 47
3974 Admiral Darth 47
3975 viper66 47
3976 Twig 46
3977 Cl@usi 46
3978 Cat 46
3979 yrrabenyap 46
3980 stefan6 there might be a spoon 46
3981 da509killa2 46
3982 franke456 46
3983 Seamoo 46
3984 morrdor 46
3985 USS-Andromeda 46
3986 dab10 46
3987 Vorseraider 46
3988 Nueropa 46
3989 Trademark 46
3990 Nimra 46
3991 Cptbeefhart 46
3992 hunter3691 46
3993 xCommander 46
3994 Lestot 46
3995 FFT 46
3996 Micky Finn 46
3997 What? 46
3998 wine 46
3999 Ryodane3 46
4000 Thaitanium 46
164327 Players - page 40 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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