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DarkSpace - Beta
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Bonus Prestige
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164327 Players - page 33 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Captured
3201 Avarice 67
3202 NZ-juex16 67
3203 Victor Davion [TSLTB] 67
3204 Zamolxis 66
3205 Rekiler 66
3206 billwa 66
3207 Zenith881 66
3208 EternalSoldat 66
3209 Beasting 66
3210 Claws 66
3211 FA-Opposition 66
3212 Dreki Sol 66
3213 Lord Archangel 66
3214 cappy 66
3215 HAWKER 66
3216 ZerO QuesT 66
3217 HonorAboveAllElse 66
3218 GarGole 66
3219 g123x 66
3220 Anterius 66
3221 Bafegox 66
3222 malthizor 66
3223 Mitigator 66
3224 Meiska{1stRA} 66
3225 Genxun 66
3226 xXGenesisXx 66
3227 *Samtherabbit 66
3228 Antiwolf 66
3229 IsoHelix 66
3230 Sp4ceG04t 66
3231 Darkswift 66
3232 Wraith77 66
3233 Cloak1 66
3234 Clade 66
3235 Fatal Cooler 66
3236 [sf]sithkiller 66
3237 jailbid 66
3238 zitto 65
3239 KiraWolf 65
3240 imsquishy 65
3241 Donald_Duck 65
3242 Fatal BigRyan 65
3243 XxIceDreamxX {C?} 65
3244 legendary_khmer{recruting} 65
3245 FrozenSkull 65
3246 Captain Spiffy 65
3247 Jonus 65
3248 Xsnip3rX 65
3249 MogetMato 65
3250 Uareus 65
3251 Bukkake 65
3252 Shadow Star 65
3253 Marcusa 65
3254 Sjet 65
3255 Scruffie 65
3256 teddy_ 65
3257 Little_Creeper 65
3258 dark templar 65
3259 MarioBro 65
3260 ali 65
3261 Hircine-Mk 65
3262 Tobold Lygo 65
3263 michael007_mk 65
3264 p40 65
3265 =Silent Thunder={bring GTN back!} 64
3266 zerofear 64
3267 Gothballoon 64
3268 deathcat 64
3269 SylverOne 64
3270 Jade 64
3271 Mantosas RA 64
3272 nicobarten 64
3273 Bashy 64
3274 Ozambabbaz 64
3275 NightRaven 64
3276 Dachande 64
3277 Gregonater 64
3278 Surface 64
3279 Ceramic 64
3280 Rilross 64
3281 QuantumShift 64
3282 Cat_2K 64
3283 diwnri 64
3284 MC-K4ris 64
3285 ShadeTrigger 64
3286 Jannertto 64
3287 Drajka (The λ Snark) 64
3288 Aardvark 64
3289 Pippir 64
3290 coldfire(reborn) 63
3291 Victor325 63
3292 fesm_ndt 63
3293 Shadow-Drakken *SA-X* 63
3294 mirkocola 63
3295 merchant 63
3296 swordandsoul 63
3297 Ironhawk 63
3298 dagonfest 63
3299 Captain Dew 63
3300 KillerDawa 63
164327 Players - page 33 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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