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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
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Bonus Prestige
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Friendly Fire
Self Destructs
Planet Collisions
Resources Lost
164327 Players - page 87 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Damaged
8601 Carion 51
8602 Sarakash 51
8603 Flint24 51
8604 UnitedGuy 51
8605 Eight of Ten 51
8606 Strata 51
8607 Sage22001 51
8608 Yezzy 51
8609 Dominance 51
8610 Wildcat 51
8611 Bailout 51
8612 Ash 51
8613 HalbesHuhn 51
8614 NeoVance 51
8615 Bantha72 51
8616 Reckulation30 51
8617 n.o.v.a12 51
8618 mandur 51
8619 Mlang101 51
8620 genghis_conn 51
8621 delta5 51
8622 memos1985 51
8623 dark shark 51
8624 Starship Trooper 51
8625 Kajonov 51
8626 alien-torgeir 51
8627 PeterHob 51
8628 max008 51
8629 WildDemonCat 51
8630 RedDinamo 51
8631 Alphasan 51
8632 northwesten 51
8633 Blackops 51
8634 ReneFWJ 50
8635 Churlish 50
8636 watcherx 50
8637 A Gundam 50
8638 Lord_Inquisitor_Askions 50
8639 stevenlax289 50
8640 Winnipeg-SeAs 50
8641 VenomousBite 50
8642 Rakana 50
8643 darkmany 50
8644 Valandil Seregon1 50
8645 badeb 50
8646 farsight 50
8647 overpowering 50
8648 Cypher 50
8649 red103 50
8650 Dissociation 50
8651 *Mordrid* 50
8652 Capt. Jimbo 50
8653 KingCrawford 50
8654 dukester 50
8655 vegabond 50
8656 Artiom5 50
8657 NovaTron 50
8658 Mathius 50
8659 Ritticus420 50
8660 Toonster 50
8661 mg11 50
8662 SevenDimensions 50
8663 Damashi 50
8664 HerpDerp 50
8665 Minako 50
8666 MrLeFay 50
8667 Whitewolf2002 50
8668 wildcards 50
8669 Billyrb 50
8670 ZXD 50
8671 Synide 50
8672 Markj22 50
8673 Arc07 50
8674 thebarbarian09 50
8675 anlauf2004 50
8676 onon6 50
8677 Dark Nova 50
8678 mrgogeta01 49
8679 chris2k 49
8680 mysticfury19 49
8681 Stevobob 49
8682 KoRRuPt 49
8683 Zvezdnyi_Putnik 49
8684 Aronad 49
8685 Frumuselu 49
8686 Hike 49
8687 Essence 49
8688 Twitchy5 49
8689 rb3000 49
8690 Agatsuma 49
8691 Cormac 49
8692 Xiry 49
8693 megazone-23 49
8694 _nowy_ 49
8695 Striker09876 49
8696 Kilonam 49
8697 BLOB 49
8698 litoria 49
8699 bio989 49
8700 SSR[.:21st:.]*R* 49
164327 Players - page 87 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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