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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
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Bonus Prestige
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Friendly Fire
Self Destructs
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Resources Lost
164327 Players - page 57 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Damaged
5601 TerrorKnight 176
5602 llcoolj999 176
5603 Ciorde 176
5604 colonel5049 176
5605 TAoS 176
5606 Mr.T 176
5607 duie 176
5608 ShadowWolf 175
5609 zaghuun 175
5610 Borg_ita 175
5611 JACKELO*EN* 175
5612 bigpochi 175
5613 souplix 175
5614 Sirawuut 175
5615 Carbuncling 175
5616 Onslaught 175
5617 valheru 175
5618 keisimmo 175
5619 Kanibalman2 175
5620 luke_strider 174
5621 _Rain 174
5622 Evil PanAlfik 174
5623 dark templar 174
5624 Ragarok 174
5625 {G}OD~L1K3 #_# 174
5626 lord_nyax 174
5627 Psy-nix 174
5628 djtbster 174
5629 etgfrogs 174
5630 Don Quixote 174
5631 codykiller 174
5632 Shagohad 174
5633 popup 174
5634 Shankuur 174
5635 Darkair 174
5636 Neflarr Freebin 174
5637 battlerodent 174
5638 Phellan-Kell 173
5639 burple 173
5640 Detheroc 173
5641 OMNOM 173
5642 General Archer 173
5643 Jemhidi 173
5644 InvaderZim 173
5645 Sir Steelius 173
5646 Big Smoke 173
5647 nbarten 173
5648 Zorro 173
5649 Sonador 173
5650 Twangmaster 173
5651 Cmdr. LuLu 173
5652 Vice Admiral Paladin 173
5653 vekenti 173
5654 Mr.Nicklbe 173
5655 Timelancer 173
5656 Dvalet2 173
5657 SlickDawgG_S.O/AG2L 172
5658 Zealot [1stRA] 172
5659 Captain Spiffy 172
5660 Powertater 172
5661 Spartan-0182 172
5662 Fenir 172
5663 Everest 172
5664 Rod222 172
5665 eWarHawK 172
5666 Cosgrove 172
5667 DarkSpin 172
5668 Fatal Attraction 172
5669 Kakarott 172
5670 Caeli 172
5671 Sunie 172
5672 Sindrono 171
5673 pexter 171
5674 cat1547 171
5675 Sisco 171
5676 novagr 171
5677 Anixor 171
5678 Chefe 171
5679 (O_O) 171
5680 FireStorm *FA* 171
5681 FallenGlory(AS) 171
5682 tyger 171
5683 Jayx 171
5684 squall0605 170
5685 Arbiter 170
5686 Nodeghost 170
5687 Ferigad 170
5688 _HAMMER_[EGC] 170
5689 razzie547 170
5690 jrlans 170
5691 fightboy 170
5692 soliae 170
5693 shockhey 170
5694 Fallenmoon 170
5695 MunitionsMan 170
5696 Mortimer Aeinhardt 170
5697 Greatbyond 170
5698 de Fouw 169
5699 fooraide 169
5700 slipstik 169
164327 Players - page 57 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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