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DarkSpace - Beta
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164327 Players - page 70 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameShips Damaged
6901 luke_strider 199
6902 voxmodule 199
6903 Slater 199
6904 dawiz 199
6905 Serpentz 199
6906 Gimp 199
6907 wintercore 198
6908 _Ivan_ 198
6909 Moonlight 198
6910 whooplaah 198
6911 Ratele 198
6912 PyroMancer 198
6913 Gunship 198
6914 Harsesiss 198
6915 darkspace2448 198
6916 Grimmjow 198
6917 Terran115 198
6918 Dr.BobbleHead 198
6919 Gregarius 198
6920 DemenHunter 198
6921 Anthelios 198
6922 Ghost Of Oblivion 198
6923 Ravenus 198
6924 AllTheLittleVoices 198
6925 Meltzer 198
6926 freestyler 197
6927 Jirekianu 197
6928 elvendros 197
6929 Xtreme550 197
6930 Exiled_Wraith 197
6931 Auxiliary 197
6932 Snellja-{0} 197
6933 emicimo 196
6934 Death Dealer_475 196
6935 Lt.Gen.Patton 196
6936 Krestona 196
6937 Okonus 196
6938 Spider0804 196
6939 DarkLight 196
6940 ncc-1337 196
6941 G Force 196
6942 warhawk223 196
6943 Mobiouss 196
6944 Flyingbox22 196
6945 Kiith Somtaaw 196
6946 u45u 196
6947 misc 196
6948 stumpmonkey 196
6949 Roland235 195
6950 Parademonium 195
6951 leadold 195
6952 thenightking 195
6953 Yashua(boy) 195
6954 Cymatics 195
6955 Drone56 195
6956 Nytemaster 195
6957 Cotasnoova 195
6958 UNSKI 195
6959 Icarius89 195
6960 Rennie113 195
6961 Zakue 195
6962 -Deros 195
6963 Ranger 195
6964 badicus 195
6965 rusty6777 195
6966 Sr.Brendan the Awsome 195
6967 =Silent Thunder= 195
6968 Premo 195
6969 Zander Todd 194
6970 Homer G. Adams 194
6971 BlizzardBartek 194
6972 CRIATUS 194
6973 mad9333 194
6974 SouruSoul 194
6975 Coren Santra 194
6976 maltheus12 194
6977 mirson1 194
6978 Fatal ChineZo 193
6979 Couga 193
6980 Tart_Cart {C?} 193
6981 Raylon Helix 193
6982 LORDDon 193
6983 OVNI 193
6984 Major_Impact 193
6985 Ruga 193
6986 hiroglyph 193
6987 tmisgod 193
6988 Hunter1617 193
6989 killer723 193
6990 Tripquick 193
6991 Vindication 193
6992 hellboy69 193
6993 The Enemy 193
6994 Kanibalman2 192
6995 Eight of Ten 192
6996 Metal Arms 192
6997 Sargentbarr 192
6998 StationXX 192
6999 Frag 192
7000 Toasty_Crayon 192
164327 Players - page 70 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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