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DarkSpace - Beta
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164324 Players - page 34 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameShips Damaged
3301 Cosmicham 1,372
3302 General Shadow 1,370
3303 Tunrill 1,370
3304 incy2 1,370
3305 Iopis 1,369
3306 Ambitious Hobo 1,369
3307 Addicted 1,364
3308 Rhamadahn Dave 1,359
3309 Judge Dread 1,355
3310 soulstrike 1,354
3311 jerm21 1,354
3312 madmarker 1,354
3313 Esysnj 1,354
3314 Ras 1,352
3315 Kitty-Hawk 1,350
3316 Gamar 1,350
3317 Guni 1,349
3318 AlphaSix 1,349
3319 Zhat Rinkhals 1,347
3320 Icefox 1,347
3321 JubeiLev 1,347
3322 Ermadi 1,345
3323 caestro 1,343
3324 Avilion 1,341
3325 Zorel 1,341
3326 thegodamongmen 1,339
3327 VboyzKnight-SL 1,339
3328 SuppressedRage 1,335
3329 Legodude 1,334
3330 DragonFang 1,333
3331 Clone Pandora {C?} 1,333
3332 Dragoriaan 1,332
3333 Rei Aznable 1,330
3334 OrangeCon 1,329
3335 Caedus 1,329
3336 killforlife 1,328
3337 Ociral 1,327
3338 Mysticpui 1,327
3339 Sevren 1,327
3340 Rilross 1,326
3341 StealthyPest 1,326
3342 Legionaire 1,325
3343 BlazingGlory 1,323
3344 II 1,323
3345 Celestyle 1,321
3346 KhanJM 1,321
3347 Taino666 1,319
3348 ILkazar 1,318
3349 VK Tesla 1,318
3350 ObsidianOne 1,317
3351 ezathule 1,317
3352 Dios1 1,317
3353 apugh75 1,316
3354 Celeria 1,315
3355 TheEvilGriffin 1,314
3356 XdExiLe 1,314
3357 elzdrag0n 1,314
3358 Lovebugs 1,313
3359 HellSiege 1,312
3360 Nagini 1,312
3361 CeylousMirod 1,312
3362 Espio 1,312
3363 BigPimpin 1,311
3364 xXmetalmanXx 1,310
3365 neoblackwolf 1,310
3366 mabmoro 1,309
3367 Lartek 1,308
3368 nunot 1,308
3369 dorrin22 1,307
3370 Keeraa 1,306
3371 Stellerence 1,306
3372 PlasmaStorm 1,305
3373 Neo_Swift 1,304
3374 ComradeKered 1,301
3375 berkut1 1,301
3376 DSWolfy 1,301
3377 matlex 1,301
3378 WhiteyHawk 1,300
3379 biohazzed 1,299
3380 The_Pizza_Guy 1,297
3381 Rock 1,297
3382 Draacos 1,296
3383 Avatar Z 1,295
3384 Abacab 1,294
3385 Kahabut 1,294
3386 xXGenesisXx 1,293
3387 Cl@usi 1,291
3388 Helddr 1,290
3389 chumboy 1,288
3390 Chick_n_Nugget 1,286
3391 nakie 1,283
3392 .:Spork-Fu:. 1,283
3393 Traxis 1,283
3394 msu320 1,283
3395 purpose 1,282
3396 Viral 1,282
3397 Hyp3rLin3 1,282
3398 DaronK 1,281
3399 h4rdc0re 1,280
3400 LoKi 1,280
164324 Players - page 34 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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