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DarkSpace - Beta
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164327 Players - page 26 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameShips Damaged
2501 squawk 2,425
2502 Kanos 2,423
2503 Vysha 2,422
2504 Tim200. 2,421
2505 kklouzal 2,419
2506 Sayin Crowe 2,414
2507 Da Dude 2,411
2508 Envarnak 2,410
2509 Falcon 2,409
2510 Spacsea 2,408
2511 Ishtarra 2,401
2512 Inverted 2,401
2513 GhostKnight 2,400
2514 cruwelke 2,398
2515 Thistle 2,397
2516 C0@ch-Wh!p 2,391
2517 Wisperer [.:21st:.][SGT] 2,390
2518 DesertDragon 2,389
2519 Saint681 2,388
2520 bit_junkie 2,374
2521 Bertrolen 2,370
2522 penguin 2,366
2523 Dar-N25 2,366
2524 Aknarrr 2,366
2525 Birdbasti 2,362
2526 KestrelWolf 2,361
2527 p40 2,360
2528 deathxherald 2,359
2529 TrashGUY {Dark Angels} 2,359
2530 bull95 2,358
2531 SyberWolfe 2,356
2532 Aex 2,355
2533 alexrullez 2,355
2534 janizki 2,352
2535 Puny 2,352
2536 Sovereign Reaper 2,351
2537 Vector40 2,350
2538 ZerO QuesT 2,350
2539 Big Jim 2,348
2540 Forsaken Alt 2,345
2541 *Valiant* 2,344
2542 combattank 2,344
2543 Resorath 2,344
2544 Drachenfels[1RA] 2,344
2545 Kolossal 2,343
2546 Rizack 2,343
2547 Neufusion 2,340
2548 Coleseus 2,339
2549 nobleone 2,339
2550 Demosthane 2,337
2551 Gammek 2,336
2552 noodude 2,336
2553 Tomgrazer 2,332
2554 SASJason 2,329
2555 Hound 2,329
2556 POPA 2,329
2557 BioHaze 2,326
2558 debio 2,325
2559 REEVV 2,324
2560 cdf5010 2,323
2561 Anarchy79 2,323
2562 Shadow295 2,318
2563 Vendetta 2,317
2564 MistenTH 2,317
2565 Melodon 2,313
2566 xWARLOCKx 2,313
2567 Garglevodka 2,311
2568 DRAKE 2,310
2569 Barrel Maker 2,310
2570 origin 2,309
2571 mastakitooo 2,308
2572 Orgun 2,304
2573 Leroy 2,301
2574 Major_Metals 2,298
2575 wieditleestisgek 2,293
2576 veradux96 2,292
2577 MeTheGreat 2,290
2578 centaure{PEBCAK} 2,287
2579 Genxun 2,287
2580 marrek 2,287
2581 Vinco 2,282
2582 Ding_Ding_Dong 2,279
2583 Tadman 2,276
2584 KSS Impirium - Admiral KhrysT Lords 2,275
2585 LancelotBlade23 2,274
2586 Noodle{res} 2,272
2587 Geniralwolf 2,270
2588 Zene28 2,267
2589 rupedog 2,266
2590 hearts 2,263
2591 poisonlizard 2,263
2592 Mikatus 2,262
2593 trAsh 2,260
2594 Shagohad 2,259
2595 logamac 2,257
2596 .:*Brennus*:. 2,256
2597 Spydermunkey 2,252
2598 Kynish 2,251
2599 seneca8 2,250
2600 Sotos 2,247
164327 Players - page 26 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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