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DarkSpace - Beta
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164324 Players - page 56 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameBonus Prestige
5501 Captin Talon 81
5502 Variance 81
5503 Tanntolas 81
5504 Panzer Raptor 81
5505 silent454 81
5506 brooks59man 81
5507 *Ares* 81
5508 L|ghT 81
5509 studslincoln 81
5510 PlatinumSoul 81
5511 Ace of Stars 81
5512 Starship_Voyager 81
5513 Sup-peoples009 81
5514 colombianmaster 81
5515 marshingo 81
5516 Sponge 81
5517 Katharsis 81
5518 bhunter10 81
5519 Angoris 81
5520 Gabryel 80
5521 beth_n_bear 80
5522 Cmdr J. E. Archer 80
5523 Xenith 80
5524 chelo16 80
5525 oganj 80
5526 TheVoice{UR} 80
5527 june00 80
5528 Solight 80
5529 RIFFRAFF 80
5530 Damion Wilkes 80
5531 Machete 80
5532 Chavezfernandez 80
5533 MasterOfOrion 80
5534 nebulam34 80
5535 DWolf 80
5536 theonlyone 80
5537 sonofwinter 80
5538 tkalen84 80
5539 Darkzen 80
5540 Jagg 80
5541 HEDDAR 80
5542 Hurricane 80
5543 petel09 80
5544 bmwest12 80
5545 pikkro 80
5546 tawana 80
5547 Dragmire 80
5548 marks1198 80
5549 Sem_Young_39 80
5550 larry 80
5551 jacob911 80
5552 Enterprise G 80
5553 scifiprime 80
5554 tr1cks 80
5555 loverin.1 80
5556 SlimeMaster 80
5557 Antares Shador 80
5558 Slint 80
5559 tibru 80
5560 Mozzie2u 80
5561 Kandyman 80
5562 aznpride 80
5563 lzmatt 80
5564 Apollon 80
5565 Skillza 80
5566 Ahab 80
5567 CTTYPR 80
5568 Joltzmaster 80
5569 vandandik 80
5570 Christopher 80
5571 Vanir 80
5572 LOU Morrison 80
5573 SpaceDog 80
5574 windrunner 80
5575 nealbert1 80
5576 Verada 80
5577 rtoledo 80
5578 cool2009 80
5579 cobraat 80
5580 ESHCdude 80
5581 Akira 80
5582 spacerideruk 80
5583 bloody epyon 80
5584 slash 80
5585 henry 80
5586 d vader 80
5587 Clancy 80
5588 MY EYES! 80
5589 Sharpsoul 80
5590 Spitfire 80
5591 Tripticon 80
5592 Markjv 80
5593 mattthesmatt 80
5594 Killer Instink 80
5595 $hallow 80
5596 redrump 80
5597 Duke Stryke 80
5598 LaserHawk 80
5599 seifer5005xxx 80
5600 Fenix18 80
164324 Players - page 56 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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