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164350 Players - page 5 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameBonus Prestige
401 Patryn 8,574
402 Hermie 8,571
403 Firekka 8,547
404 Ozzyla 8,525
405 Captain Caveman 8,504
406 BoomBox 8,444
407 Amun-Ra 8,397
408 Intrepid 8,388
409 Enaness 8,381
410 Lady-GrimSabre 8,377
411 Aegis Fate 8,370
412 Deshara 8,337
413 Arch Angel 8,332
414 Ir0nStrikE 8,293
415 nova31 8,245
416 *Wizard* 8,233
417 SeanDodge 8,225
418 Lunatiq 8,185
419 Masonite 8,175
420 Alkuam 8,140
421 Ardex 8,138
422 Zene28 8,109
423 punjai 8,088
424 MadWookie 8,079
425 Grimi 8,078
426 Josef 8,047
427 Quantium 8,033
428 Ravendark 8,032
429 Starrest {SNM} {C?} 8,001
430 Andromeda {C?} 7,952
431 .spaivxx. 7,946
432 DOM700 [-IMO-] 7,935
433 Mitigator 7,929
434 Krut 7,916
435 slinky 7,906
436 _x$witchBladex_ [1.480 Fanboy] 7,906
437 Nim * 7,867
438 Fidchell 7,856
439 Nikola Suhaj loupeznik 7,852
440 hase2 7,828
441 Specterx 7,800
442 Tellaris 7,774
443 Ramirez 7,766
444 Vesuvius 7,733
445 Ramius 7,703
446 Lord Wolfgang 7,674
447 MikeyRifraf 7,672
448 HeLLDoG 7,634
449 Mersenne Twister 7,597
450 GTW 7,581
451 GunRunner 7,573
452 Flux Capacitor 7,563
453 little_chaoz(affe force) 7,548
454 Ryan-Leader of Lantians 7,496
455 spawnof2000 7,430
456 Sgt.pimmax 7,418
457 kerosene 7,402
458 Juxtapose 7,388
459 sparx9121 7,349
460 LAG 7,327
461 sweplatte 7,323
462 *Morpheus* 7,313
463 Alcedo 7,280
464 Morbus 7,234
465 Null Pointer 7,207
466 FangHorn 7,196
467 Photox [F|F|I] 7,138
468 FloristPuke 7,111
469 Null {C?} 7,089
470 Charley 7,089
471 Bigsnake Mayonaise 7,082
472 Duster 7,078
473 einie{bad_boy_o_space} 7,066
474 Boerenkool 7,041
475 Whiterin 7,019
476 BabyAngel {SNM}{C?} 6,990
477 Muah Dib 6,988
478 Feralwulf 6,976
479 Neo*The*Wicked {C?} 6,969
480 Rocki 6,964
481 Martyr 6,962
482 Drafell 6,920
483 NaNoBuM 6,920
484 Frivolous Disguise 6,905
485 Mock Jock 6,878
486 Condor 6,864
487 lorddark99 6,858
488 McSwindle 6,829
489 Octurion 6,827
490 Lain 6,823
491 Windless Storm 6,820
492 Lagman 6,813
493 Hitokiri 6,798
494 Mefeng 6,791
495 sir exodus 6,785
496 Disasterpiece 6,777
497 Psychosis 6,759
498 Cory_O 6,757
499 thebold 6,751
500 White-Knight 6,728
164350 Players - page 5 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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