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164324 Players - page 36 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameBonus Prestige
3501 opp31337 257
3502 hijomo 257
3503 Arkain Veneficus 257
3504 crazyrevolution 256
3505 NiNjAsNiPeU 256
3506 Orlen 256
3507 Vectorman-VA 256
3508 Snowfire{=21st=} 256
3509 Aloof_101 256
3510 Cold Caffeine 255
3511 Mad Cat 255
3512 Hellza - master 255
3513 yhn12345 255
3514 fowltief 254
3515 berkut1 254
3516 Nox 254
3517 buddahxx 254
3518 SoWhat 254
3519 Gritos 253
3520 Nutsy 253
3521 Jutral 253
3522 DeafstikX 253
3523 Rugger 223 253
3524 Kiax 253
3525 Entil-Za (HMIS Intrepid) 2IC 253
3526 Tygoth 252
3527 Toey 252
3528 Ardryn 252
3529 Platima 252
3530 Stardude 251
3531 corran horn 251
3532 cunkknock935 250
3533 starfleetcommand 250
3534 Gromit 250
3535 Skuld05 250
3536 chris aka sunshine 250
3537 h4rdc0re 249
3538 Ferigad 249
3539 Abandoned Ships[AS] 249
3540 DarkJeff2 249
3541 palidan01 247
3542 Zurgrael 247
3543 Numinex12 247
3544 wala615 247
3545 RedShadow45 247
3546 SSR[.:21st:.]*R* 247
3547 Krankor 246
3548 DemonOfRazgriz 246
3549 Frybrg 246
3550 Olims(ex-YU) 246
3551 Connor {I} 246
3552 DarkChaos {C?} 246
3553 Heiki 245
3554 jerm21 245
3555 HowlingWolf 245
3556 Atomic509 244
3557 Vor 244
3558 cinnil 244
3559 Enternal 244
3560 Vice Admiral Onassi 244
3561 Palpatinez 244
3562 Vahn 244
3563 Phizx 244
3564 SFC_Powell 244
3565 Megadust 244
3566 subspace 244
3567 Jill 243
3568 Jlong 243
3569 BigdaddyTyler 243
3570 ak47e2 243
3571 Promethiad 242
3572 Cydexz 242
3573 Gibby04 242
3574 Dreadknight 242
3575 Godless 242
3576 Fluffy Bunny 241
3577 Lazurkri 241
3578 little foot 241
3579 Ascendant1 240
3580 Vorseraider 240
3581 Xenax 240
3582 LordZappa 239
3583 {G}OD~L1K3 #_# 239
3584 JaggedDreams 239
3585 Kanos 239
3586 xnightxwolfx 239
3587 Marmeladimonni 237
3588 da509killa2 237
3589 Dragoz 237
3590 Reeds 237
3591 Aestor00 237
3592 JolesMan 236
3593 *Sovereign* 235
3594 R41d3r 235
3595 Coaster1000 235
3596 JeebZ 235
3597 Sotos 235
3598 2FlaN! 234
3599 CraftyJames 234
3600 Ryodane87 234
164324 Players - page 36 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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