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DarkSpace - Beta
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164327 Players - page 9 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
801 Kamikaze Chicken 122,420
802 theG 122,380
803 Forever™ the Nightmare 122,380
804 Kaine 122,380
805 tejas 122,380
806 Spiritlift 121,240
807 Nox 120,920
808 R@ZoR 120,810
809 biohaze420 120,640
810 MizarAlcorzet 120,400
811 Mattuck The Gray *Cpt* 120,290
812 am0n 120,000
813 Huffywuffy, Mr. Builder 119,980
814 ShadowWarrior [**] 119,920
815 Magellan DSIT 119,920
816 DOM700 [-IMO-] 119,881
817 warhawk223 119,880
818 ronmage 119,880
819 FishGills 119,880
820 Shadow Star 119,880
821 darkphoenix939 {C?}=^lfc^= 119,880
822 trunks 119,880
823 DERBYLOAD 119,880
824 TopAce82 119,880
825 lemulet 119,880
826 Ardryn 119,880
827 Admiral-Johnes 119,880
828 fusionmaster 119,880
829 plikiplaki 119,880
830 Saxman 119,880
831 Aiglon 119,880
832 Digs 119,880
833 circumflux 119,880
834 LordSaturn1783 119,880
835 Lance2004 119,880
836 Andravus 119,880
837 morphy 119,880
838 Slaid 119,880
839 Commander Cool 119,880
840 Kieran Zund 119,880
841 toomuchbrew 119,880
842 OpTi 119,880
843 Anubis132 119,880
844 Neon Samurai 119,880
845 Cmdr. LuLu 119,880
846 FireStorm *FA* 119,880
847 Spacewolf 119,880
848 Falconier {C?} 119,880
849 HMS Fearless 119,880
850 Ace Jammer 119,880
851 worstnightmare {seraphim} 119,880
852 GrayFox 119,880
853 SiRuS 119,880
854 Captain Scarlet 119,880
855 Egoman1001 119,880
856 Chimera [ Dark Carnival ] 119,880
857 sir exodus 119,880
858 Neostar 119,880
859 Nitewalker 119,880
860 NeONeXX 119,880
861 Grappler 119,880
862 Ace05 119,880
863 Thistle 119,880
864 USS LAYRIN 119,880
865 Alien Mastermind 119,880
866 betabeam 119,880
867 Abandoned Ships[AS] 119,880
868 Apollo15 {C?} 119,880
869 Killen13 119,880
870 Megavar 119,880
871 Pope 119,640
872 Jar Jar Binks 119,381
873 Neo_chaoz 119,270
874 Thorium 117,940
875 IronDuke 117,790
876 Cpt. Hornblower 116,860
877 West9 *mmm Pie* 116,860
878 Acyllius 116,860
879 1R(USS)Vengeance 116,860
880 Mog 116,860
881 Cheshire Cat, Kitty BUM! 116,680
882 SizzlingCracker 115,880
883 RedBandit *XO2* 115,860
884 Lunatiq 115,192
885 Hybok 113,910
886 Grimith 113,350
887 DarkOutlaw-S|S- 112,870
888 S.S. Botany Bay 112,740
889 ford1 112,390
890 Sleestack 112,390
891 slinky 112,390
892 Solman V.Adm 111,880
893 JediKnight 111,870
894 TheAbyss 111,680
895 Kingston 111,650
896 c0ld 110,870
897 SS StarFire 110,820
898 Rentis 109,970
899 Aradrox 109,950
900 PopaFett 109,930
164327 Players - page 9 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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