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164324 Players - page 2 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
101 Eochu 312,740
102 JRE 309,700
103 Dionysus the Great 309,690
104 Sebala CePoD 309,690
105 Sajuuk-khar 307,600
106 Ospolos 304,140
107 Farstar 300,630
108 NuclearWolF 300,520
109 Condor 299,740
110 Plutarch 299,700
111 Heart_of_Gold 299,700
112 Zentih 299,700
113 KLoaK 299,700
114 Raijin 299,700
115 Tohard 294,590
116 Guyton (Angel of Death) 293,339
117 Kenny_Naboo 290,941
118 Soto Bashir 290,640
119 Admiral Xeodia 290,120
120 Astral Viper 289,710
121 MightyMc 289,710
122 TAZ 289,710
123 deaddog 289,710
124 Outcaste 289,710
125 Fleet Notification Service 289,710
126 Fatal Lexington 288,550
127 UberBrooksie 286,690
128 Zeritu 286,680
129 Fireguy0306 286,640
130 Ragglock 285,530
131 Enygmu 283,900
132 DeamonLoge 282,510
133 $milingJ35te|2™{=21st=}[R33HG] 282,504
134 A Troll =SSC= 282,220
135 lightning[Voyager][ A ] 282,220
136 Shadow1982 280,650
137 shine 279,800
138 Heltan{SO} 279,760
139 Chosen of Chaos{Dictor Lord} 279,720
140 Dormio Niggling 279,720
141 BurninPet 279,720
142 Noobkil 279,720
143 Bryghtblade 279,560
144 Antdizzle 277,630
145 NightDragon 276,700
146 Gaulix 276,280
147 **Uziel**{UGTOS Sleipnir} 275,540
148 Feralwulf 274,046
149 |2eason 272,230
150 BackAlley 271,992
151 Queen Namona Nomoness 271,070
152 HalOS 270,660
153 Neo*The*Wicked {C?} 270,660
154 Sorn Duskryn -{Shadewalker}- -VA- 270,660
155 Mephiblo 269,821
156 caladin 269,770
157 Soval 269,730
158 big john 269,730
159 Jellicoe 269,730
160 Land shark 269,730
161 DangerBabe 269,730
162 Darkness 269,730
163 Hersir 269,500
164 the little irish drunk man 269,500
165 Tramp 268,610
166 Specterx 267,960
167 Bash 267,640
168 Skuriti3 267,640
169 Skuriti2 265,550
170 Smartin 264,354
171 atillahun 263,970
172 Aspro 263,740
173 TwoFly {C?} The Redeemer 263,356
174 Ramius 263,070
175 Guard 260,670
176 Echnaton 259,740
177 Hammer 259,740
178 Jimbowskiowski 259,740
179 Doenertier 259,740
180 Prometheusbum(England) 259,740
181 g0ds s0ldier 259,740
182 Darklord 259,740
183 Slidevail** 259,450
184 PanelBeater 259,220
185 _x$witchBladex_ [1.480 Fanboy] 258,580
186 ZeroMoley (Leader Of Monkeys) 258,580
187 FAdm. Tim Webbers *S1* 254,500
188 Enterprise 253,541
189 Junky Da FunkyMonke 252,250
190 Sarc 252,250
191 Jaydawg 251,840
192 Demorian 250,000
193 Wolfen 249,750
194 Davion 249,750
195 Locris 249,750
196 KSE12789 249,750
197 Brug 249,750
198 Radei 249,750
199 SabelTooth 249,750
200 ZoD. 249,750
164324 Players - page 2 of 1643

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