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164324 Players - page 14 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
1301 Fatal Atlantis Discovery 80,850
1302 Warrior_Luna 80,850
1303 Mario Van Peebles 80,850
1304 Nemesis Nightmare 80,530
1305 Hadesdarklord 80,050
1306 Nim * 80,000
1307 Special K 79,980
1308 Krut 79,960
1309 stealth ace 79,920
1310 Pancake 79,920
1311 Aelbric 79,920
1312 spacewarrior 79,920
1313 fc1young 79,920
1314 Funkmonkey {Widow Maker} 79,920
1315 JagBlade 79,920
1316 gIrl 79,920
1317 KaasboeR [Lord of Cheese] 79,920
1318 Booker 79,920
1319 starjumper 79,920
1320 TVDude 79,920
1321 ViRGE 79,920
1322 SpaceDuncan 79,920
1323 Sheepy 79,920
1324 Hoost 79,920
1325 cuda 79,920
1326 smanches 79,920
1327 RogueTrooper 79,920
1328 codenemesis 79,920
1329 R_C_A^ 79,920
1330 awildstar 79,920
1331 =Zion= 79,920
1332 Elxtyr 79,920
1333 Final_War 79,920
1334 Invertebrate 79,920
1335 [Haste] 79,920
1336 Death Dealer_475 79,920
1337 Magictape 79,920
1338 Henners 79,920
1339 Palpatine 79,920
1340 terramande 79,920
1341 Glyndwr 79,920
1342 Angra Mainyu 79,920
1343 DarkFalcon 79,920
1344 Pentara 79,920
1345 HMCS-Ottawa 79,920
1346 sicari729 79,920
1347 Llama 79,920
1348 Pacer 79,920
1349 Fin 79,920
1350 Data 1<1 79,920
1351 Linoge 79,920
1352 DigiTalis 79,920
1353 Assassin 79,920
1354 GreyFish 79,920
1355 Millertime 79,920
1356 Spruance 79,920
1357 Kar-aK 79,920
1358 Tr@cKBalL 79,920
1359 oasis horizon 79,920
1360 Star Fighter Wolf O'Donnell 79,920
1361 Warbird 79,920
1362 Das Boot 79,920
1363 Ras 79,920
1364 SuperGURU 79,920
1365 Harky 79,920
1366 ^Bluedagger^ 79,920
1367 ShotGun32 79,920
1368 Lexis 79,920
1369 hunter3691 79,920
1370 Dark Eldar 79,920
1371 Carbonic 79,920
1372 Feral Pup 79,920
1373 Warpath81 79,920
1374 King Kull 79,920
1375 Furrian 79,920
1376 pyrates 79,920
1377 Azure Solis 79,920
1378 Arien Bianere 79,920
1379 nanahabeck 79,920
1380 Dra'Kon'Kyl 79,920
1381 Livity-x-2 79,920
1382 SaiAnubis 79,920
1383 I am Batman 79,920
1384 CrazyTexan!! 79,920
1385 Panimu 79,920
1386 Steel Chicken 79,920
1387 SoNiC 79,920
1388 finchx113 79,920
1389 Raziel 79,920
1390 Alex Ryder 79,920
1391 Van Demons Land 79,920
1392 Banshee* 79,100
1393 ADmiraLMaXimus (Bringer of Doom) 78,917
1394 Sky 78,750
1395 Namra 78,030
1396 DarkChaos {C?} 77,820
1397 KillerDawa 77,520
1398 Borgish Wolf 77,330
1399 Zothar 77,000
1400 deadlydarkness 76,900
164324 Players - page 14 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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