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164324 Players - page 20 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
1901 RafaelKamui 233
1902 |1A| Avatar 233
1903 Live Free 233
1904 sixcorners 233
1905 DJMajik 233
1906 Ferrowscar 233
1907 Ascendant Justice 233
1908 FloridaSunrise 232
1909 PureFury 232
1910 Mands 232
1911 LordGuardian 232
1912 GrrrRibbit 232
1913 Kahlim 232
1914 Ketrarde 232
1915 Intruder 232
1916 Redplague12 232
1917 SuperQuack69 232
1918 Jetstorm XF-13{Admiral Lee} 232
1919 warlord 1050 232
1920 kingkeri22 231
1921 .Locke 231
1922 Bloodsol 231
1923 dutch_wingman 231
1924 Coalition 231
1925 Wild Cat 231
1926 [USAF]alphastar3 231
1927 Anarchy79 230
1928 hunter3691 230
1929 Qballed 230
1930 Avetorian 230
1931 Jellicoe 230
1932 Purple 230
1933 likes to fly 230
1934 Kamikaze Rooster {D!} 230
1935 metaman20 230
1936 G@lenThor 230
1937 Husaan 229
1938 RealTorment 229
1939 Morbon 229
1940 *HAS* kyller 229
1941 Sjet 229
1942 Aaron Lienhardt 229
1943 Capt_amT 229
1944 treedoo2 228
1945 Rae 228
1946 Zerofool 228
1947 Dancer 228
1948 Sirawuut 228
1949 Thistle 228
1950 darklazer 228
1951 Warlordomega 228
1952 Croven 227
1953 Raven223 227
1954 DoomDragon 227
1955 Themanc 227
1956 Admiral Aloe 227
1957 Manteuffel 227
1958 pr3o4ever2 227
1959 mOO 227
1960 Birdbasti 227
1961 Nikola Suhaj loupeznik 227
1962 Ras 227
1963 IrishSargent 227
1964 Draxagon 227
1965 AgresiV 227
1966 Tenebrean 226
1967 Ak-47[Elite Assault Rifle] 226
1968 IIVIIatrix 226
1969 Lord Hood (FA) 226
1970 FarstriderScout 226
1971 Nimitz 226
1972 Soto Bashir 226
1973 Mercanary 226
1974 Drajka (The λ Snark) 226
1975 krakrazor 226
1976 Seyar 226
1977 Totti 226
1978 dawnangel 226
1979 ronmage 225
1980 Sajuuk-khar 225
1981 RaumVogel 225
1982 ReZ 225
1983 MajTom 225
1984 DeathWing 225
1985 Firebolt 225
1986 Fox McCloud 225
1987 leland301 224
1988 Fatal Impulse 224
1989 Viper1981 224
1990 Mitigator 224
1991 DaVoggi 223
1992 DuckDodgers 223
1993 TheIceMan 223
1994 Jackal' 223
1995 -DJSMITH- {Thors Hammer} 222
1996 vampire2k9 222
1997 V-GINY 222
1998 Neo_TH 222
1999 Saint681 222
2000 Shivlen 222
164324 Players - page 20 of 1643

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