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DarkSpace - Beta
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164327 Players - page 27 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameResources Lost
2601 Godless 423,137
2602 Event_Horizon™ 422,016
2603 Ra-Horakhty 422,009
2604 Tirpitz 420,877
2605 LordKILL 420,789
2606 Hellstorm56 420,788
2607 BloodBound 420,362
2608 TheCentenian_AG3XO 420,336
2609 spinner100 420,227
2610 zachdeath13 419,589
2611 Wilhelm 419,183
2612 octwo 418,355
2613 Mortarr 418,068
2614 darkassasin 417,738
2615 Deshara 417,703
2616 Luther Khann 417,519
2617 Paranius Starsplitter 417,478
2618 Mpikus00 416,826
2619 KptnKronik 416,557
2620 Esper8 416,150
2621 Flap Plap 415,629
2622 Shad4c 415,276
2623 TrueBlue *FA* 414,373
2624 zinlu 413,385
2625 herodes 412,763
2626 LeviathanV 412,531
2627 Heartless Shadow 412,520
2628 -DeathKitten- {ILJ} 411,843
2629 Lysol 411,128
2630 seetar 411,072
2631 Ekorren 410,554
2632 daragan 410,541
2633 Nox 410,361
2634 Fealthas 410,303
2635 Mistblade 410,063
2636 HMS Fearless 409,734
2637 Hicks 408,945
2638 silvania 408,695
2639 Planet Smasher 407,872
2640 Pilot.X2 407,847
2641 Gettysburg 407,052
2642 DotPitch 406,969
2643 mepwnjoo 406,855
2644 Drusswyn 406,693
2645 Hidden Shadow (C?) 406,445
2646 Friis999 406,099
2647 Stray 405,631
2648 Mr_Morton 405,542
2649 Duny 405,227
2650 Redplague12 404,826
2651 Frank & Stein 404,769
2652 JCrev 404,546
2653 SuperGURU 403,482
2654 RaskVann 402,630
2655 Panimu 402,373
2656 Astro-builder 402,170
2657 NanoBeard 401,969
2658 TopAce82 401,727
2659 Captain Lorflord 401,509
2660 vahlyum 401,136
2661 galatic error 400,825
2662 gnugnu 400,293
2663 Croven 399,848
2664 Zether 399,830
2665 Lebonians 399,667
2666 Spritzer 399,015
2667 Gonnell 398,664
2668 Charles87 398,556
2669 ichzor 398,007
2670 DekkonBlack 397,489
2671 Phiow 397,032
2672 Torea 396,664
2673 Jackel 396,643
2674 Judas 396,184
2675 mecano 395,817
2676 Phoebuzz 395,463
2677 SylverOne 395,460
2678 cruwelke 394,908
2679 Pheelix 394,889
2680 Jack 2.0 394,844
2681 lankar44 394,560
2682 Eric_the_Red 394,296
2683 mrmango 394,080
2684 *Samtherabbit 393,584
2685 Radpipe 393,430
2686 Aiglon 393,355
2687 mortii 393,216
2688 Kaemonik 392,093
2689 Kaezon 391,976
2690 maxshot13 391,882
2691 lastelement21 391,777
2692 Keri 390,964
2693 Kanos 390,904
2694 Malcontent 390,577
2695 HisDevineShadow 390,121
2696 voodoo1 390,119
2697 Closet Otaku Commanding Komrade 389,965
2698 Katharsis 389,647
2699 Ikto-spider 389,108
2700 Mrfixit84 388,886
164327 Players - page 27 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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