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DarkSpace - Beta
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164353 Players - page 112 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameResources Lost
11101 Ceramic 3,248
11102 badjak 3,245
11103 Melkin19 3,244
11104 Daedalus Adibes 3,242
11105 dwfoxw 3,241
11106 Angantyr 3,235
11107 LuckY 3,229
11108 KristeBisen 3,227
11109 leonconcor 3,224
11110 DreaD-XxX 3,223
11111 Hollander 3,216
11112 totma 3,215
11113 spidermonkey223 3,213
11114 The Untruthful 3,213
11115 GodlyForever059 3,211
11116 Triggershock 3,209
11117 Lt.Gen.Patton 3,209
11118 [*TheMostwanted*] 3,208
11119 Selim316 3,207
11120 Kite36 3,206
11121 Cirkelline 3,204
11122 ViralDante 3,202
11123 Tyrran 3,201
11124 Tactic 3,196
11125 Ero-Sennin 3,193
11126 mortican054 3,192
11127 toetsi 3,192
11128 mupe3 3,192
11129 gaypancake 3,192
11130 papluuu 3,192
11131 Ugly-Wan 3,192
11132 hannon 3,192
11133 Chuva 3,190
11134 GeneralKool 3,188
11135 Shogi 3,186
11136 ChiBeaGReenie 3,182
11137 nathanaspinall 3,181
11138 Jakethewarlord 3,165
11139 jayco 3,165
11140 Broadcast 3,163
11141 Jamzee 3,158
11142 Addam 3,156
11143 Schattenwolf 3,155
11144 doomdyer {E} 3,153
11145 Zeaon 3,147
11146 Sonic_Foundry 3,147
11147 fzfq3m 3,144
11148 cnhsadrian08 3,142
11149 filoniz 3,141
11150 deadpool808 3,140
11151 Captain Blue 3,140
11152 Guardian45 3,136
11153 Seyera 3,133
11154 Wild Card 3,132
11155 Limite 3,130
11156 bloodychub 3,125
11157 bluedragon 3,122
11158 Moya 3,122
11159 philly 3,120
11160 Eirik 3,112
11161 conrad 3,110
11162 badname 3,106
11163 gertdine 3,105
11164 thoth 3,102
11165 The Darkness 3,097
11166 okwolf 3,095
11167 novahunter*R* 3,091
11168 nicko 79 3,090
11169 Khyber 3,087
11170 Penguix 3,084
11171 antoha1 3,082
11172 eidos 3,081
11173 Armageddon 3,080
11174 Golem 3,080
11175 Puggums 3,078
11176 The Stag 3,077
11177 DarthFats 3,077
11178 SilverFire 3,075
11179 Kiado 3,068
11180 Kinroko 3,066
11181 surmanus 3,063
11182 alex8656 3,061
11183 UndyingKnightmare 3,061
11184 Dudeicoft 3,058
11185 LOP 3,055
11186 BehindtheScenes 3,053
11187 DeviaAridese 3,051
11188 IronForge 3,050
11189 muran 3,047
11190 HaKWaK 3,046
11191 SetimuS 3,046
11192 luise mv 3,046
11193 gnomish 3,045
11194 Malfurion 3,043
11195 sophryu 3,040
11196 Blutaxt 3,039
11197 ITheKillerII 3,038
11198 Alopex 3,027
11199 leefang 3,020
11200 A flower 3,019
164353 Players - page 112 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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