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12/07/24 +4.2 Days



14th - youglebeater
3rd - Slycer

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DarkSpace - Beta
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164324 Players - page 8 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanet Collisions
701 Jasper 141
702 justin94 141
703 arrakis14 140
704 Banzi 140
705 Photox [F|F|I] 140
706 Undertaker 140
707 FidgeT 140
708 Krut 140
709 soulassassins 140
710 Trippel 140
711 OFP 140
712 SaturnShadow™ *FC*(Angel Of Darkness) 139
713 Admiral Xeodia 139
714 Apollo15 {C?} 139
715 Fatal Damage 139
716 -=Arch=- 139
717 xlxxuxxlx 139
718 Zero28 138
719 4cemje 138
720 Spinosaursus 138
721 Ramius 138
722 *Neo*(The Anomoly)}=P 138
723 rapture 138
724 jtermeer 138
725 The_Enforcer (The Vindicator) 138
726 Xydes 137
727 Deimos Sobek (Bone) 137
728 Meiska{1stRA} 137
729 Deathscythe 137
730 Darkswift 137
731 Skyking 137
732 Mohican 137
733 Shath 136
734 Blue Hawk 136
735 SS StarFire 136
736 *1RA*Stealth Jester 136
737 Dkm 135
738 mirkocola 135
739 bigb 135
740 vin98 135
741 Drakon Songsword 135
742 God-Speed 135
743 MaGoo 135
744 Aquilus Hutchinson 135
745 $harp$hooter*M* 135
746 awestin 135
747 Skyfire 134
748 deathblave 134
749 treedoo2 134
750 |2eason 134
751 Alex Heartnet (Rebellious Rogue) 134
752 Kamikaze Chicken 134
753 Aradrox 134
754 DarkKnight08 134
755 Drumatik 134
756 Hexa 134
757 -Aagibmoon_ 134
758 MicoolTNT 133
759 Nutsy 133
760 Seraphim 133
761 Wilykat 133
762 Norton 133
763 Pacer 133
764 kaskhaar 133
765 Novacat 133
766 Satenki 133
767 Fever 133
768 hazy_phil 133
769 henry700 132
770 Raijin 132
771 Commander Cool 132
772 Rocki 132
773 GatorChick {C?} 132
774 El3menTT 132
775 Admiral Kamikaze Bacon 132
776 Grimi 132
777 BaKuDaN 132
778 Ryuk the Reaper 131
779 rjohn10558{*AMVETS*} 131
780 Lone Gunner 131
781 Ahkari-={Dark Mistress}=- 131
782 Neostar 131
783 sphen*R*{=21st=} 131
784 -Vampire Fx-The Mostwanted 131
785 UndoCTRLz 131
786 Tracer 131
787 Hussaro 131
788 merebear 131
789 AgresiV 130
790 U.S.S. KELVIN 130
791 Ash'elth 130
792 WF_Legend 130
793 Joose 130
794 Rykros1987 130
795 Fatal Attack 130
796 MoD 130
797 Rogue Spear 130
798 Atom-Ant! 130
799 tomsterdine 130
800 Excaluber 130
164324 Players - page 8 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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