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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
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Bonus Prestige
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164324 Players - page 8 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameGames Played
701 oldsnake 978
702 Sopwith Camel 974
703 BadaMan 972
704 Nine Arts Dragon 971
705 vbdwayne 970
706 Acke 968
707 Taelron 968
708 Admiral Alucard (2IC) 966
709 KaasboeR [Lord of Cheese] 966
710 Neo-21 965
711 UNhooked 962
712 Doubelieve 962
713 Fleet Admiral Shark 960
714 MaGoo 958
715 Division 956
716 Yidam 956
717 Duoth 955
718 RedBandit *XO2* 953
719 Debuchin 953
720 -xTc- ExisT 950
721 AlphaPrimus 949
722 Aurora 948
723 Exorion 946
724 MoBioS 944
725 DemonGhost 943
726 MTH 939
727 Darkness 938
728 Heart_of_Gold 937
729 Ishtarra 936
730 Alcedo 935
731 Ravendark 930
732 Prometheusbum(England) 929
733 Bigwolfe 925
734 t500 924
735 Derelict 920
736 bdubs 920
737 Daritus{Awoken} 918
738 Black Hawk 917
739 Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon 916
740 GothThug {C?} 915
741 RonSonn 915
742 VashTS 915
743 Subtilizer 913
744 ViRGE 911
745 Melodon 908
746 The Reaper 906
747 Major_Metals 903
748 Collard Green 902
749 Kieran Zund 899
750 Mutant (GenX) 895
751 Seffywuff 894
752 Fatal -gambit- 893
753 Archdruid 892
754 -Space Ghost- 891
755 Admiral-Johnes 890
756 friendly fire 890
757 Coeus {NCX-Charger} 890
758 Minoer 889
759 Light404 889
760 ZeroCool[No Lame No Fame] 888
761 Demon Strike 884
762 Target 884
763 BorgDrone4of20(KuYa) 884
764 Cydexz 884
765 rexifelis 882
766 (Eject) 879
767 Rebel(Im back Baby) 877
768 Commander Cain 877
769 Aftermath42o 876
770 AikoTol 875
771 Steelsky 874
772 Tiggy 873
773 Ham&Swiss 873
774 DoctorCrobe 871
775 Lockerd 871
776 Kano 870
777 Equinoriox *FM*(Angel of Life) 870
778 WinterRose 869
779 clint 867
780 Ryuk the Reaper 866
781 Dave8 866
782 JackCrackerMan 865
783 SuperV 863
784 Regenbogen 863
785 µOmniVore 855
786 Kinthalas 855
787 Captain Sternn 850
788 U.S.S. KELVIN 849
789 Antra 847
790 FLTADM HALO ICS Freedom 846
791 Two Face 841
792 OmegaKingOfLobsters{C??} 839
793 LORD_amibo 838
794 Durlan Katz 838
795 crestboy 837
796 slinky 836
797 OQCanary 835
798 Senshino Rei 835
799 Gone4Good 834
800 BIOX-PM 832
164324 Players - page 8 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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