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DarkSpace - Beta
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164324 Players - page 88 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Captured
8701 userx 9
8702 Magellan DSIT 9
8703 Baszco da gama 9
8704 Arivald Hagel 9
8705 mechman28 9
8706 Debin 9
8707 Nojj 9
8708 MRMR 9
8709 xxGODLYxx 9
8710 sarivok 9
8711 Erikin 9
8712 Cryten 9
8713 CYber_MoNkey 9
8714 ThreeJay 9
8715 Shion 9
8716 dingbat91 9
8717 Sauron 9
8718 simonhh 9
8719 i_burley 9
8720 ewang 9
8721 Kyren 9
8722 gangstar 9
8723 tasty113 9
8724 minigun 9
8725 Dragondeath1 9
8726 LordMaximus 9
8727 Netster 9
8728 Aoinlorna 9
8729 Benteal 9
8730 Sgt.Death 9
8731 Novakat77 9
8732 Akimo 9
8733 vect0r 9
8734 weeman392 9
8735 EpsilonGhost 9
8736 HaloFreak94 9
8737 DracoJ 9
8738 Ravenblade 9
8739 Revos_of_Sparta 9
8740 sub-malarky 9
8741 Ghost128 9
8742 Ganqster 9
8743 esw90 9
8744 Salad 9
8745 Wolffe 9
8746 xen 9
8747 Der Kojote 9
8748 Sir.Laggalot 9
8749 skyriim 9
8750 dark shark 9
8751 Xellos 9
8752 pzumo 9
8753 sleepyhead870 9
8754 NRS-Napolitano 9
8755 I544C 9
8756 bloodmask88 9
8757 Dr.Med.Wurst 9
8758 Mithdraug 9
8759 HMS Galactica Atlantis 9
8760 Enrike Rebirth 9
8761 Oleever 9
8762 Dark Spacer 9
8763 Invader 9
8764 sradaer 9
8765 ArchAngel15 9
8766 Bad0ne 9
8767 kf4jdp 9
8768 chaosnovax 9
8769 Crygonhlin 9
8770 Saper Magik 9
8771 Ikohn 9
8772 tehvivi 9
8773 Quaiv 9
8774 xthedistance 9
8775 HA Khalil 9
8776 saber555 9
8777 Ob_Solete 9
8778 CrazyJoe=|VA|= 9
8780 Black_hole_Fodder 9
8781 Alamandorious 9
8782 U.S.S Kurbosh 9
8783 Jumpy 9
8784 Grookan 9
8785 CavalryDan 9
8786 ecf32 9
8787 Maliah(yes i have a boyfriend) 9
8788 gongly 9
8789 Eraeli 9
8790 Larkhill 9
8791 Alfiq 9
8792 Merrick2 9
8793 blackwang 9
8794 lovoka 9
8795 MilesTeg 9
8796 intensednba 9
8797 PanicSwitched 9
8798 jayzzz 9
8799 Overlord 9
8800 sturmbb 9
164324 Players - page 88 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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