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DarkSpace - Beta
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Bonus Prestige
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164352 Players - page 49 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Captured
4801 Bertrolen 33
4802 Cpt. Lethin 33
4803 xtinct 33
4804 naruto999 33
4805 Sacred Promise 33
4806 Rocking 33
4807 westlynogood 33
4808 Mr. T 33
4809 Daevyd 33
4810 mattjackson*EN* 33
4811 Brakka 33
4812 LordOberon 33
4813 Lady Valceinyx 33
4814 Riftace 33
4815 Achiles 33
4816 Florg 33
4817 [U.N.S.C]MAC Platform-Cairo 33
4818 Gunblade101 33
4819 TA Emperor Zorg 33
4820 bumzi 33
4821 Jayson-X- 33
4822 cane 33
4823 Zentih 33
4824 Knifeone 33
4825 GT-1 33
4826 Shadark 33
4827 Lomax 33
4828 fireballwaw3 33
4829 Gonnell 33
4830 AmbasadorThron (Bringer of Hope) 33
4831 wizah78 32
4832 Koenig 32
4833 Jomacdo 32
4834 asdf154_2000 32
4835 NomadGhost 32
4836 Gratisbeilage 32
4837 Minorgod 32
4838 kazbot 32
4839 UAFDevilscream 32
4840 kawatron 32
4841 Glaive 32
4842 Headsprung 32
4843 Hounti 32
4844 HighDragon 32
4845 Glyndwr 32
4846 Apocolypes 32
4847 daxter375 32
4848 Sebsdemons 32
4849 Kemik 32
4850 USS Hippopotamus 32
4851 danglefeet 32
4852 Rivaline 32
4853 sixblade 32
4854 alair 32
4855 Irak 32
4856 Ekeko 32
4857 USS Spartan[Fleet Commander] 32
4858 netel 32
4859 Wesco 32
4860 MarikLee 32
4861 MantrA 32
4862 Kojin 32
4863 12MrMoo 32
4864 LukeKPL 32
4865 DarkAngel{Kio}[AzN] 32
4866 storm56 32
4867 Gibbon 32
4868 morbov2 32
4869 Sion_XP 32
4870 punjai 32
4871 Evil Mr. Mars 32
4872 FireswordIII 32
4873 BadassMcGee 32
4874 Sayin Crowe 32
4875 cobrabase 32
4876 Parker 32
4877 Bovard89 32
4878 Zephanoa 32
4879 Heliodoros 32
4880 NovaTron 32
4881 infaoxyicon {Please KILL ME!} 32
4882 robomaine 32
4883 patsfan247 32
4884 Metronom 32
4885 98fxd 32
4886 Windfall 32
4887 ZDXPerience 32
4888 Unit-01 32
4889 Golem 32
4890 Pyroto 32
4891 3 of 5 [Hugh] 32
4892 bull95 32
4893 Moonshine 32
4894 Red Kerensky {IMC} 32
4895 xlSiNlx 32
4896 -Flipasaurus Wench- 32
4897 Brug 32
4898 space commando 32
4899 Skydiver{GER} 32
4900 Jeremiah12345 32
164352 Players - page 49 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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