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DarkSpace - Beta
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164324 Players - page 33 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Damaged
3201 MadMike 629
3202 Pitr 629
3203 Mephesto_Odium {Sirius 1 Jockey} 629
3204 Unpleasant 629
3205 MeNTaL_FLoSs 629
3206 seaniboy(1ra) 627
3207 Reeds 627
3208 Van Kane 627
3209 Darkreaver 627
3210 Gallaudet 627
3211 Bmoreno 627
3212 Doenertier81 626
3213 ArturK 626
3214 Kuma 626
3215 mondrawy 626
3216 wgs29 626
3217 Wax 625
3218 podge_2010 625
3219 Shadows 625
3220 Ruby 625
3221 killer723 625
3222 sparx9121 624
3223 Derovius 624
3224 IsoHelix 624
3225 Melodon 624
3226 SyberWolfe 623
3227 KillFace 623
3228 KamikazeRage 623
3229 -Space Ghost- 622
3230 Abiro 622
3231 Xortok 622
3232 p2_20060317 622
3233 BlackSash [NL] 622
3234 Evil Mr. Mars 622
3235 Eleda 622
3236 Perl 619
3237 louski 619
3238 toasted_victim 619
3239 Aftermath42o 619
3240 HMS Ark Royal 619
3241 FrenZy 2k 619
3242 USS EnterPrise (NCC-1701-A) 618
3243 I_Love_Soda 618
3244 Spirit Of Fire 618
3245 tomcat 617
3246 Darthbob 617
3247 Sh0wN0Mercy 617
3248 Loose Cannon 617
3249 falkonmike 617
3250 billwa 617
3251 Fleet Admiral James115 617
3252 Tomgrazer 617
3253 Drumline 616
3254 Virago 616
3255 stefan6 there might be a spoon 616
3256 Wiseman 616
3257 Kyber_Angel_Of_Death 615
3258 Likkarn *Freelance* 615
3259 DThorpl 615
3260 Dire-Phoenix 615
3261 Tallis Darkwind 614
3262 Howling Banshee 613
3263 Zarif 613
3264 Tanntolas 613
3265 Nemesis 612
3266 gd-blind 612
3267 Lobo_Sentado 612
3268 Anaxamenes 612
3269 bobbyj4u 612
3270 gnugnu 611
3271 svengoolie 611
3272 octwo 610
3273 saveme 610
3274 Trippels 609
3275 U.S.S Kurbosh 609
3276 Neo_TH 609
3277 Lady Valceinyx 609
3278 Phili Chez 608
3279 Annihilator 608
3280 Ultimaspike 608
3281 Zynot 607
3282 Groschen 607
3283 Lord_Feuerzeug_Original 607
3284 Cobby 607
3285 Juravial 604
3286 Fatal Atlantis Discovery 603
3287 Drachenfels[1RA] 603
3288 PineApple 603
3289 Xanathos 602
3290 Moo! I am of being der Cow! :F 601
3291 Mantosas RA 601
3292 Sahaal 601
3293 Orson 600
3294 Saltasaur 600
3295 Meiska{1stRA} 600
3296 Juggler 600
3297 loveblt 600
3298 devildog08 600
3299 Duoth 599
3300 Barumonk 599
164324 Players - page 33 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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