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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
Time Played
Bonus Prestige
Ships Damaged
Ships Captured
Planets Damaged
Planets Captured
Friendly Fire
Self Destructs
Planet Collisions
Resources Lost
164327 Players - page 132 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Damaged
13101 Zukasa 5
13102 U.S.S Dauntless 5
13103 shishkabob 5
13104 Wasber 5
13105 shogun2hereford 5
13106 redmagnus115 5
13107 poke8dude 5
13108 havoc6564 5
13109 Valhalus 5
13110 Nexious 5
13111 The Evil Eye 5
13112 Darkness_ss 5
13113 xxdanoxx 5
13114 windrider 5
13115 Silent walrus 5
13116 Firewood 5
13117 KajiOokami 5
13118 Chimpanator 5
13119 outblader 5
13120 Snake_Thalos 5
13121 bai_iliq 5
13122 Nott_Bell 5
13123 th3b0x 5
13124 klicis89 5
13125 Halo2210 5
13126 RedShift42013 5
13127 DSJosh2010 5
13128 jphy 5
13129 gunnerdroid 5
13130 HellsBain 5
13131 Victorsx 5
13132 The-Godfather 5
13133 Guard001 5
13134 Zangestu 5
13135 LOBO_187 5
13136 OldmanJohnson 5
13137 Kuja06 5
13138 brett814 5
13139 blamba 5
13140 valheru1 5
13141 danger10 5
13142 kikaider_neo 5
13143 Kushiaji 5
13144 DI_HAVOC 5
13145 bfmv666 5
13146 griffon336 5
13147 knust 5
13148 LunarXen 5
13149 MikuoCZE 5
13150 larr 5
13151 Garnoch 5
13152 daStilgar 5
13153 Raceman 5
13154 chaos cyclone 5
13155 Daedalus55 5
13156 Bonzorb 5
13157 JonMak 5
13158 Wonko 5
13159 skruffy_3_crack 5
13160 Unknown Entity 5
13161 iamBang 5
13162 Tarkin 5
13163 Laneri 5
13164 John_hmstr 5
13165 kingnoob *1P* 5
13166 Luminar 5
13167 Strauss 5
13168 Flyingsumo 5
13169 NomadGhost 5
13170 Lone Dark Templar 5
13171 Kuppa 5
13172 Duke87765 5
13173 Jason19 [LXF] 5
13174 rD x BANG 5
13175 boshelton 5
13176 DarthMadman101 5
13177 Schubiduba 5
13178 justbsing 5
13179 Hruodland 5
13180 McSqueaky 5
13181 Acapalic 5
13182 LuNaWoLf.27 5
13183 Goakabouter 5
13184 Kiith 5
13185 KillerX90 5
13186 dm-horus 5
13187 Wiglaf 5
13188 lightningrabbit010k 5
13189 titan32 5
13190 Leila Ashley 5
13191 IisStokes 5
13192 ianrich91 5
13193 Grendelbiter 5
13194 zorci 5
13195 ASTFighter 5
13196 {UCO} Dark Glider 5
13197 Glyo 5
13198 Marauder 5
13199 runningman1163 5
13200 Chilli 5
164327 Players - page 132 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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