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DarkSpace - Beta
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164351 Players - page 32 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameShips Damaged
3101 DragonLord 1,560
3102 LORD_amibo 1,559
3103 superspacecookie 1,559
3104 MNG49 1,559
3105 ninjip 1,558
3106 SiR-Hawk 1,558
3107 jackkardic 1,558
3108 Tal_Shiar 1,557
3109 knight24 1,556
3110 Reprieve 1,555
3111 Shif7 1,554
3112 whiskymk 1,554
3113 BigBadDaddy 1,554
3114 Drajka (The λ Snark) 1,551
3115 HMS Declen 1,551
3116 Kikugai 1,550
3117 BugBoy 1,550
3118 NeoCrime 1,544
3119 Lrauka 1,544
3120 FireStorm *FA* 1,543
3121 TrueBlue *FA* 1,541
3122 battlecruiser3 1,540
3123 biohaze420 1,539
3124 ShadyIrishdude 1,536
3125 sunshine* 1,535
3126 Captain Lorflord 1,534
3127 Peacekeeper 1,534
3128 someone 1,533
3129 Morhydyn 1,533
3130 [Haste] 1,532
3131 Axum5 1,532
3132 anglish21 1,532
3133 Deathjam 1,530
3134 lds 1,530
3135 Charles87 1,529
3136 Wolf7th 1,529
3137 Naudet 1,529
3138 1RA Orion 1,528
3139 Malvern 1,527
3140 grothaman 1,527
3141 Captain_Savage 1,527
3142 Obiwon 1,527
3143 Zelpher 1,525
3144 Gamrathian25 1,524
3145 XTerrorWOLFx 1,523
3146 Edwin 1,521
3147 Absence 1,521
3148 casp 1,521
3149 ThunderMalice 1,521
3150 fgehge 1,520
3151 Sky Reaver 1,520
3152 link2uu 1,519
3153 jdude221 1,518
3154 PvT-Anarchist 1,514
3155 G@lenThor 1,508
3156 Forward Unto Dawn 1,508
3157 Cpl_Satan 1,507
3158 Bandaron 1,506
3159 Dark_Lord 1,506
3160 SolarGreen 1,505
3161 Dehtre 1,504
3162 sherif229 1,504
3163 Katana *E* 1,504
3164 DeathChat 1,503
3165 Lorenzomus (Flying Dutchman) 1,503
3166 xXDoofusmanXx 1,502
3167 God-Speed 1,500
3168 Majii 1,500
3169 Clade 1,499
3170 Lightcrest 1,498
3171 Docvahn 1,498
3172 RunWay 1,497
3173 deadlydarkness 1,497
3174 quin5000 1,494
3175 SizzlingSpudMonke 1,494
3176 1Istnil1 1,494
3177 Damer 1,492
3178 Hyena 1,491
3179 Fartmaster 1,489
3180 Bajernus 1,488
3181 Shadow Knight 1,487
3182 Etulith 1,485
3183 DarkSabre 1,484
3184 Tempest302 1,482
3185 BiBaBas 1,482
3186 Kindred 1,482
3187 Vomit 1,481
3188 codenemesis 1,481
3189 dustsny 1,479
3190 Eranimulli 1,479
3191 maxxdata 1,476
3192 DragonWarrior 1,476
3193 Foxbat40 1,475
3194 Ciorde 1,475
3195 Jutral 1,474
3196 rottencucumber 1,473
3197 Pharaoh420 1,473
3198 bunny232 1,473
3199 Malicious Intent 1,472
3200 Glargath 1,472
164351 Players - page 32 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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