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164351 Players - page 9 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameBonus Prestige
801 Dieuboat 3,430
802 TypeoneG 3,428
803 Brickstin 3,421
804 Imaginary Shifty 3,421
805 Atom-Ant! 3,418
806 *Mordrid* 3,412
807 Proxion 3,407
808 Chazerous 3,406
809 T|t@n {C?} 3,393
810 MrSparkle 3,392
811 XaR-Trian-{Muad`dib}- 3,390
812 Stracius 3,364
813 4ert 3,359
814 justin94 3,357
815 DarkAsassin 3,336
816 *IKC* - Gysmily (USF Temasek) 3,336
817 RogueTrooper 3,327
818 trunks 3,321
819 Sardaukar 3,312
820 Izzy 3,310
821 NiteHawk 3,309
822 DragonClaw 3,304
823 Legionaire{The Accursed} 3,302
824 Cheu612 3,299
825 Daedalus Bum 3,299
826 Drizz 3,298
827 Draxcyn 3,297
828 Sicksence 3,291
829 Sixkiller 3,290
830 JoshBond 3,272
831 Vriska 3,269
832 Badboyz 3,254
833 Bamelin 3,252
834 Torlok 3,242
835 Wisperer [.:21st:.][SGT] 3,239
836 Lowe_Amsel 3,230
837 Neilan 3,224
838 Mota |SMP| 3,218
839 Flandres 3,212
840 Apollo15 {C?} 3,207
841 Deikan 3,205
842 One-J 3,204
843 Shrimpy 3,197
844 Just a Guy 3,193
845 seyyah 3,189
846 Bafford 3,183
847 The Fisherman 3,176
848 Lurkis 3,174
849 YBnormal 3,172
850 Dynamite 3,160
851 BIOX-PM 3,159
852 Roomer 3,158
853 Sarc 3,157
854 Lord DowneyBUM (UK) 3,156
855 Acyllius 3,154
856 Mattuck The Gray *Cpt* 3,152
857 Geo 3,151
858 cba 3,142
859 Admiral Progner 3,137
860 UseMoreGun 3,136
861 Astral Viper 3,129
862 Minoer 3,127
863 Archon 3,126
864 Gamrathian25 3,123
865 _Hellion_ 3,116
866 Commander Cain 3,112
867 GothikPain 3,109
868 Hunta_Killa {C?} 3,104
869 YIIMM 3,103
870 rupedog 3,099
871 Cryleve 3,097
872 Creeper 3,092
873 Tenka 3,087
874 Tohard 3,071
875 Julian Delphiki 3,063
876 Nac56 3,056
877 Alois Falix 3,055
878 Dajackal 3,054
879 C.Muecke 3,037
880 Hobbyte 3,036
881 RedDragonGecko 3,032
882 Phellan 3,030
883 RedBandit *XO2* 3,026
884 Liquid Stranger 3,025
885 ManualTimer 3,024
886 Hightower 3,023
887 TwoFly {C?} The Redeemer 3,014
888 Dire-Phoenix 3,012
889 Krim {C?} 3,005
890 alex538 3,000
891 AgentMicah (The Patriot) 2,996
892 Guyton (Angel of Death) 2,995
893 Thernhoghas 2,977
894 incy1 2,973
895 JediKnight 2,966
896 Exocet 2,964
897 AnnoyingPanda 2,961
898 Tech Raines 2,950
899 Lockerd 2,939
900 Lotsip2 2,916
164351 Players - page 9 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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