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DarkSpace - Beta
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164350 Players - page 13 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameBonus Prestige
1201 Squishton 1,898
1202 seneca 1,893
1203 Nightmare 1,888
1204 Kratas 1,887
1205 incy2 1,886
1206 Anarion 1,879
1207 Eleda 1,878
1208 LordShinho {S} 1,876
1209 Derelict 1,873
1210 Exodus™ 1,867
1211 Universe 1,862
1212 heavymetal 1,861
1213 GreenManPan 1,860
1214 Falke 1,859
1215 Antra 1,854
1216 xWARLOCKx 1,848
1217 Pinto 1,848
1218 Admiral Garth 1,848
1219 Zether 1,845
1220 PanelBeater 1,843
1221 Bob117 1,842
1222 Lone Gunner 1,839
1223 Defence Unit-Alpha_Matrix[48] 1,838
1224 Bleed 1,836
1225 Nighthunter 1,836
1226 -=CaRt_M8=-SuZuka-ChaLLenGe|~~| 1,835
1227 Nagini 1,823
1228 Dionysian *EP5* (Angel of Destruction) 1,817
1229 Akuma 1,817
1230 DangerBabe 1,808
1231 Kamikaze Rooster [II] {*USA*} 1,805
1232 Katasum 1,792
1233 Admiral-Johnes 1,792
1234 Uareuss 1,791
1235 Iglooman (SF) 1,791
1236 Spiz {I} 1,778
1237 -Alador- 1,773
1238 frayboy15 1,771
1239 ViRGE 1,767
1240 Dr. Hollowpoint 1,766
1241 Ltmayday (Celestial Being) 1,766
1242 The Evil Eye 1,765
1243 Archangel -The Lightbringer- 1,762
1244 hansen 1,758
1245 kudosil 1,756
1246 Vocken 1,755
1247 Majin Buu 1,753
1248 lilFrigate (Marys Soldier) 1,750
1249 Eisbear 1,749
1250 ZeroMoley (Leader Of Monkeys) 1,748
1251 superspacecookie 1,747
1252 Steelsky 1,746
1253 µOmniVore 1,745
1254 Bloodsol 1,741
1255 0stego 1,732
1256 CTech 1,728
1257 Squeeblez 1,726
1258 Atomic 1,725
1259 -Shadowalker-™ 1,723
1260 [Nasty Pastry] Croissant 1,721
1261 Sky Reaver 1,720
1262 gunlock45 1,719
1263 unrealchu 1,715
1264 DarkAspen 1,713
1265 |DarthKreiger| 1,713
1266 Arzon 1,708
1267 Letho Kol 1,708
1268 Freshmeat {-=Planet Collider=-} 1,707
1269 Sheynak 1,706
1270 kenetiks 1,704
1271 Dionysus the Great 1,701
1272 Falconier {C?} 1,700
1273 Gaulix 1,700
1274 Olympic 1,695
1275 chaser123 1,692
1276 alex2000xxl 1,684
1277 Suule 1,682
1278 Ants 1,681
1279 Heromaster 1,681
1280 Necron 1,680
1281 winterfrost 1,679
1282 Dometian 1,671
1283 moocowmoo 1,668
1284 nescron 1,666
1285 GunGrave 1,660
1286 9spawn 1,659
1287 *Samtherabbit 1,659
1288 TheKid 1,655
1289 Storm Rider 1,654
1290 AlecciaRosewater 1,651
1291 Drumatik 1,650
1292 Sopwith Camel 1,646
1293 Maroc 1,641
1294 .Jengo 1,637
1295 Doubelieve 1,636
1296 Sanaturium 1,635
1297 Nagorrack 1,635
1298 The ICS Lotus 1,634
1299 Zero28 1,631
1300 Aurora 1,628
164350 Players - page 13 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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