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164324 Players - page 15 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
1401 -Admiral Dylan Hunt 312
1402 Pavachek 312
1403 jessters 312
1404 Zero28 311
1405 Mike_c130 *M.Cpl* 311
1406 Sirons 311
1407 Altesol 311
1408 22Raptor 311
1409 cycoman1 311
1410 Holdin 310
1411 Logan 5 310
1412 cctv dude99 309
1413 Judas 309
1414 wing_man[NL] 309
1415 Saganami 309
1416 asdfgahmed 309
1417 DOT 309
1418 HMS Fearless 308
1419 Maggot 308
1420 lastcavscout 308
1421 EternalSoldat 307
1422 ShuRugal 307
1423 james1958 307
1424 Final_War 307
1425 S_T_A_T_I_C 306
1426 Bigwolfe 306
1427 Daritus{Awoken} 306
1428 Abisha 306
1429 catiscool 306
1430 Katana *E* 306
1431 Shade Perilous 306
1432 DPFlyer 305
1433 Commander Cool 305
1434 Babylon 305
1435 Iglooman (SF) 304
1436 InMe 304
1437 Spazzagorilla 304
1438 Deimos Sobek (Bone) 304
1439 Kilimanjaro 304
1440 mOno. 303
1441 Samweis* 303
1442 Walrus of Apathy 302
1443 kudosil 302
1444 G.Adm. Kirk 302
1445 Eeep 302
1446 mamo 302
1447 Captin Talon 302
1448 Event_Horizon™ 302
1449 Alex Heartnet (Rebellious Rogue) 302
1450 John Connor 301
1451 Whiterin 301
1452 -DeathKitten- {ILJ} 301
1453 DarkFalcon 301
1454 Cheshire Cat, Kitty BUM! 301
1455 Torlok 301
1456 Defence Unit-Alpha_Matrix[48] 300
1457 General Bazziel (poor English) 300
1458 the_black 300
1459 Raging Novas 300
1460 Heart_of_Gold 300
1461 meddy 300
1462 mortii 299
1463 AgentGerbil 299
1464 Cmdr. LuLu 299
1465 Kinthalas 299
1466 7-121 298
1467 pawel 298
1468 CeylousMirod 298
1469 HisDevineShadow 298
1470 soulassassins 298
1471 Dreadknight 298
1472 bit_junkie 297
1473 tekker667 297
1474 Jinto 297
1475 whitefire330 297
1476 sparx9121 297
1477 Slador 296
1478 Quaelgeist 296
1479 fzr1000 296
1480 Altheus 296
1481 Arclight 296
1482 apate 296
1483 Erik26lucky 296
1484 zel 295
1485 plumbgod 295
1486 Side 295
1487 Ho Chi 295
1488 Demanicus 295
1489 Hyperforce 294
1490 Raijin 294
1491 emtfej 294
1492 POPA 294
1493 Erk 294
1494 Saphirako 294
1495 Fatal Weden 293
1496 Wavie-Davie 293
1497 -Matt_2003_*R* 293
1498 T|t@n {C?} 293
1499 Spikey-Nelson 293
1500 NiteHawk78 293
164324 Players - page 15 of 1643

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