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164351 Players - page 96 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameResources Lost
9501 Gork 8,307
9502 Wotan75 8,304
9503 Dises 8,303
9504 Mathock 8,300
9505 Ireos (SoL) 8,298
9506 Corrupted Angel 8,295
9507 Paine 8,294
9508 RedShift42013 8,292
9509 Universalerror 8,287
9510 HeartlessAngel 8,287
9511 serious_limmax 8,287
9512 Tokay 8,285
9513 Opeck 8,283
9514 alzrech 8,282
9515 DegenFire 8,276
9516 Ribosome 8,272
9517 lwool70 8,267
9518 Sadxxoo 8,267
9519 replica 8,257
9520 CaptainSulu 8,253
9521 zonechaos 8,247
9522 Djiin121 8,242
9523 KraylonV 8,227
9524 coolguyz 8,220
9525 NeoTHZ 8,220
9526 TwistedMentat 8,213
9527 Maximus Prime 8,207
9528 evildevil27 8,206
9529 Specified 8,206
9530 fergus84 8,206
9531 LukeKPL 8,203
9532 Joe-E 8,201
9533 0wc4 8,198
9534 cpt zzoom 8,198
9535 Thirael 8,195
9536 hedra-pariz 8,194
9537 Widdow 8,191
9538 (2n+1)anti-fa 8,187
9539 kbinek 8,186
9540 Juravial 8,169
9541 MLHood 8,168
9542 Yuureii 8,168
9543 Coreal 8,168
9544 VTSHADOW {W} 8,165
9545 genghis_conn 8,140
9546 Gatecrasher 8,135
9547 Ultonis 8,135
9548 Duniham 8,134
9549 MonkeyStrangler 8,134
9550 gotham 8,134
9551 Ghostmk97 8,134
9552 mrgriffen1975 8,134
9553 AsgardLords 8,134
9554 z1232 8,132
9555 Franki 8,132
9556 BlueScribblesOnPaper 8,132
9557 XxVendettaxX 8,132
9558 johny 8,132
9559 Heartsword 8,132
9560 StormSworder 8,132
9561 Krestona 8,132
9562 jamis56 8,126
9563 Gooph 8,123
9564 Crazy_chaoz 8,116
9565 Matt_Dude 8,115
9566 lionman 8,109
9567 Dracolith 8,109
9568 mrstrongbow 8,107
9569 Klagar 8,097
9570 ArchAngel86 8,088
9571 Drone 8,082
9572 Exmond 8,072
9573 =Jarlaxle= 8,071
9574 DarkDaze 8,068
9575 morowind 8,064
9576 Piedog 8,064
9577 matt94 8,062
9578 armorfelix 8,056
9579 Shabadage 8,055
9580 DreamSmith 8,051
9581 raven780 8,051
9582 CDawgz 8,039
9583 butch 8,032
9584 epioj 8,022
9585 Minamoto 8,017
9586 Draggy 8,016
9587 Wolfie 8,011
9588 Riak 8,001
9589 drinkinturtle 7,999
9590 Headhunter 7,999
9591 Traith Eryk 7,990
9592 colombiano158 7,983
9593 Grey Ghost 7,981
9594 [GER]ScarveR 7,977
9595 danimend 7,973
9596 Foster 7,968
9597 Couga 7,964
9598 Tirion 7,948
9599 saran683 7,936
9600 miharuu 7,935
164351 Players - page 96 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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