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DarkSpace - Beta
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164351 Players - page 95 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameResources Lost
9401 macmanXT 8,832
9402 XXXcrowhavenXXX 8,832
9403 Speedy 8,827
9404 corsair16 8,821
9405 Aegis-1 8,821
9406 Count of The Arctic 8,819
9407 WolfsGhost 8,817
9408 Olims(ex-YU) 8,813
9409 Longhorn213 8,812
9410 Sandal 8,807
9411 ZeRo_123 8,805
9412 OmegaKnight 8,801
9413 Noghri=SS= 8,800
9414 Alex88 8,796
9415 larsig 8,794
9416 Chillis34 8,792
9417 kaldac 8,790
9418 Leeksoup 8,786
9419 fisherman 8,778
9420 Bey 8,776
9421 Crampled 8,774
9422 boufas 8,772
9423 a potato 8,769
9424 shadowfax734 8,756
9425 Fry 8,750
9426 lazydeath 8,749
9427 tedobson 8,737
9428 pwnd 8,736
9429 Xrad 8,724
9430 Juggler 8,724
9431 TheAbyssMal 8,722
9432 koyaanisqatsi 8,722
9433 DarylTUBA 8,722
9434 Gigga 8,711
9435 NightEye 8,701
9436 turtle509 8,675
9437 Seraph's Edge 8,672
9438 Ragnarock 8,669
9439 gouldy123 8,668
9440 Yelloishy 8,656
9441 Sheil 8,655
9442 samsmyname 8,655
9443 Werauchimmer 8,645
9444 LordMars 8,644
9445 MoRTiMeRReeD 8,623
9446 Xeno_Kz 8,620
9447 FreeFighter 8,618
9448 *Acid Cloud 8,612
9449 Traker 8,607
9450 ChaosShadow 8,603
9451 Flea 8,599
9452 bossraiden212 8,590
9453 yuri8888 8,586
9454 Shotokan 8,584
9455 VOGUE_ROGUE 8,578
9456 LoganB177 8,571
9457 Godeau 8,564
9458 powerhungry 8,560
9459 Fire Zeek 8,556
9460 Ardez 8,550
9461 kood 8,536
9462 airteck 8,533
9463 spankit1456 8,528
9464 StatedKnight73 8,520
9465 - GATEKEEPER - 8,515
9466 uber_goober 8,509
9467 Harky 8,498
9468 ProfSamuel 8,495
9469 Tobaces 8,493
9470 Uriel Ventris 8,492
9471 spencerleetapp 8,483
9472 Sliprunner 8,477
9473 arthurs40 8,472
9474 xSyntechx 8,464
9475 LordMorcego 8,446
9476 Darkechoes 8,446
9477 ShadowXen 8,443
9478 Dracoz 8,442
9479 FabianMadrid 8,435
9480 hellboy15 8,427
9481 Aardun Suule 8,427
9482 momosumomo 8,423
9483 bloodmask88 8,423
9484 krenster 8,418
9485 Dsire 8,404
9486 Citadel 8,398
9487 Didjey 8,391
9488 DrGonzo 8,390
9489 Civil*R* 8,371
9490 Suldun 8,369
9491 Druid 8,361
9492 Burgerbahamut 8,353
9493 Gyokusai 8,353
9494 mikkykay 8,348
9495 darkjc 8,338
9496 SydHarmon 8,335
9497 Reventlov 8,319
9498 Edgerx 8,319
9499 Red Kerensky {IMC} 8,318
9500 Courie 8,308
164351 Players - page 95 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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