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164324 Players - page 69 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
6801 sturmbb 499
6802 Weizel 499
6803 Relanis 499
6804 ArkanianPickle-(Beastie) 499
6805 Random NPC 498
6806 docgrey007 498
6807 deathxherald 497
6808 Soul Reaver 497
6809 GeNeTiiCs 497
6810 Cecil 497
6811 Sir Vili 497
6812 The 5th Horseman 497
6813 xbooyababyx 497
6814 Captain Daniel 497
6815 Rikaishi 497
6816 Soval 497
6817 mtsmall1 497
6818 Heady782 496
6819 Idaeus 496
6820 Ariakis 496
6821 two1ten 496
6822 shobu 496
6823 Snellja-{0} 496
6824 Zoloch 496
6825 Cantari Darkwing 496
6826 Solon7 496
6827 Blck Night 496
6828 MacLane 496
6829 BlazingGlory 496
6830 SadisticStalker 495
6831 arun987r 495
6832 Sahdrvx 495
6833 BGK1000000 495
6835 joosehead 495
6836 Tolaan 495
6837 cyberphant0m 495
6838 Donald_Duck 494
6839 organised chaos 494
6840 Vern Salar 494
6841 Tidist Gray 494
6842 The_darkstorm 494
6843 Shafter 494
6844 RichardNorman1972 494
6845 Virtual Death 494
6846 Blood n Al Gore 493
6847 Leclem 493
6848 Zieg 493
6849 Dresden 493
6850 mandur 493
6851 Jumpy 493
6852 Yunzaki 493
6853 antofdeath 493
6854 Et Targ Et 492
6855 Nimra 492
6856 KarlTorben 492
6857 godsgift 492
6858 the duke 492
6859 Windfall 492
6860 starchild 491
6861 Joshua Gunman 491
6862 Lieutenant Commander Zed 491
6863 birdshot 491
6864 warheer 490
6865 scadianwraith 490
6866 DragonWrath 490
6867 Glog (Demon of Order) 490
6868 Kalshion 490
6869 Censi 490
6870 Feldon 490
6871 Bladeless 489
6872 Cpt. Sniffa 489
6873 Roguegun 489
6874 woutersmits 489
6875 KnightDelta 489
6876 first light 489
6877 Bajernus 489
6878 Simbaka45 489
6879 General Zarkaithnia 489
6880 salking 489
6881 Xeonis 489
6882 HunterOfMergos 488
6883 Floyd007 488
6884 doomdyer {E} 488
6885 Optio Magnius 488
6886 The Chozen One 488
6887 axtract 488
6888 trioted 488
6889 CaptainObvious 488
6890 Macrog 488
6891 Akiran21 488
6892 bluejolly 488
6893 commander bruhl 487
6894 Devroe 487
6895 bc_baller 487
6896 Crowmon 487
6897 Mr.T 487
6898 spy_catcher81 487
6899 Evero 487
6900 Dark Lord Revan 487
164324 Players - page 69 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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